[R-sig-Geo] question for LMC

xi@ojichd m@iii@g oii outiook@com xi@ojichd m@iii@g oii outiook@com
Thu Feb 4 01:39:05 CET 2021

Dear all lists,

I am xiaoji. 

I am interested in your ‘gstat’ package in r for fitting Linear Model of Coregionalization (LMC). But I have some questions and I really need your kind help. Could you please give me a favor?

here is some of my data:
SA2X_CENP    	SA2Y_CENP	        crash   YP_rate
320428.917	        5818141.198	117	0.1063
321879.5695	5817899.382	22	0.1092
318771.7939	5818451.477	11	0.1379
320635.3233	5820539.97	        48	0.1649
318364.0546	5820648.928	1	0.2003
326033.2365	5817370.864	23	0.1649
323867.7281	5817573.52	        60	0.1655
324383.5969	5819145.236	22	0.1632
316263.0477	5816879.653	17	0.184
315660.7089	5819792.038	27	0.1656
317796.8316	5816153.109	27	0.1578
316917.6342	5818154.401	14	0.1624
321086.4921	5814372.89	        85	0.0598
318970.2645	5812389.57	        22	0.0732
322330.8284	5812552.395	46	0.0608
316193.3299	5815654.364	2	0.1446
317484.9642	5814980.071	30	0.1473
320657.3469	5812907.924	236	0.0322
319195.008	          5814256.7	86	0.0969
319621.6781	5815829.549	53	0.0625
322418.9406	5810079.992	30	0.0778
321120.9463	5811505.149	63	0.0493
317081.5135	5813218.024	10	0
320865.432	        5809358.484	79	0.1423
322840.6266	5805484.066	33	0.1397
318295.2402	5810141.976	18	0.14
316698.2992	5810889.514	5	0.3333
320230.4663	5810705.071	44	0.115
322323.3428	5807529.089	77	0.0754
323920.1083	5807043.912	40	0.1312
325877.0663	5808231.436	6	0.1408
323874.6983	5808622.809	57	0.0862
323631.454	         5810052.96	73	0.0707
325570.0793	5809906.47         11	0.1161

Here is the code I run :

coordinates (CD) = ~SA2X_CENP+SA2Y_CENP
g <- gstat(formula=crash~1, data = CD)
g <- gstat(g,formula=YP_rate~1, data = CD)
v= variogram(crash~SA2X_CENP+SA2Y_CENP, CD)
model<-vgm(NA,"Gau",a_range,NA,add.to = vgm(NA,"Per",b_range))
test<-fit.lmc(v, g, model)

The following is my questions.
1.	I have some explanation of the data: variable “crash” is a count data and variable “YP_rate” is continuous, how should I run the correct code to fit LMC? 
2.	How do I to determine the values of a_range and b_range?

I am looking forward to your kindly reply.

Thanks for your time.


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