[R-sig-Geo] use nbcosts() with geographic openstreetmap distance as weights

Germán Gallego g@||egoveg@ @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com
Thu Aug 5 01:20:44 CEST 2021

I am conducting a study of Regionalization for the Ministry of Health of Colombia, using a MST and SKATER algorithm proposed by Assauncao. I have included 121 social and health covariates sumarized on a SImilarity matrix (After Explratory Factor analysis dimensiionality treatment).  that will be used into skater function.
I am using a spatialpolygons dataframe with the 1081 municipalities  that I've proccesed with nb2list() function. Also I have the geographic distance  (extracted from openstreetmaps) from each capital city to anotherone, and I want to use it in nbcosts() function.  When  I read the nbcosts documentation I read that the data must be in dataframe class object but what i have is a dist object. The code does not show any error but im not sure how the dist object is computing it.
> ady <- poly2nb(colpeso.utmsub)

> adycostsdist <- nbcosts(ady,distkmat1)

> class(distkmat1)
[1] "dist"
I suppose that I have to covert a dist object into a nbdist object? or find the way to use it properly into nbcost function, 
I'll apreciate your opinion on this. 
Thank you in advance

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