[R-sig-Geo] Filtering a set of points in a "ppp" object by distance using marks

Marcelino de la Cruz Rot m@rce||no@de|@cruz @end|ng |rom urjc@e@
Wed Sep 16 12:15:23 CEST 2020

Sorry, I meant to say

subset(insects.ppp, marks=="termiNests" & ddd[,"antNests"] >20)

El 16/09/2020 a las 9:18, Marcelino de la Cruz Rot escribió:
> Hi Alexandre,
> may be this?
> ddd <- nndist(insects.ppp, by=factor(insects.ppp$marks))
> subset(insects.ppp,  marks=="termiNests" & ddd[,"termiNests"] >20)
> Cheers,
> Marcelino
> El 15/09/2020 a las 22:52, ASANTOS via R-sig-Geo escribió:
>> Dear R-Sig-Geo Members,
>> I'd like to find any way to filtering a set of points in a "ppp" 
>> object by minimum distance just only between different marks. In my 
>> example:
>> #Package
>> library(spatstat)
>> #Point process example - ants
>> data(ants)
>> ants.ppp<-ppp(x=ants$x,y=ants$y,marks=rep("antNests",length(ants$x)),window=Window(ants)) 
>> # Create a artificial point pattern - termites
>> termites <- rpoispp(0.0005, win=Window(ants))
>> termites.ppp<-ppp(x=termites$x,y=termites$y,marks=rep("termiNests",length(termites$x)),window=Window(ants)) 
>> #Join ants.ppp and termites.ppp
>> insects.ppp<-superimpose(ants.ppp,termites.ppp)
>> #If I try to use subset function:
>> subset(insects.ppp, pairdist(insects.ppp) > 20 & marks=="termiNests")
>> #Marked planar point pattern: 223 points #marks are of storage type
>> �character� #window: polygonal boundary #enclosing rectangle: [-25, 803]
>> x [-49, 717] units (one unit = 0.5 feet) #Warning message: #In ppp(X[,
>> 1], X[, 2], window = win, marks = marx, check = check) : # 70751 out of
>> 70974 points had NA or NaN coordinate values, and were discarded
>> Not the desirable result yet, because I'd like to calculate just only 
>> the > 20 "termiNests" to "antNests" marks and not the "termiNests" 
>> with "termiNests" too.
>> Please any ideas?
>> Thanks in advanced,

Marcelino de la Cruz Rot
Depto. de Biología y Geología
Física y Química Inorgánica
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Móstoles España

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