[R-sig-Geo] Comparing 2 rasterbricks using functions from TSdist package

Jackson Rodrigues j@ck@onmrodr|gue@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu May 28 00:18:59 CEST 2020

Dear all,

Few days ago I got a important help from this list and I am really thankful
for that.
Today I have a similar challenge with 2 rasterbrick files.

I would like to compare 2 rasterbricks using any similarity function (let's
take CorDistance) from package TSdist.
In my real data, both rasterbricks came from the same region but using
different measurement techniques.

I am trying to adapt the suggestion I got from here rather than looping on
each cell, but no matter what I try I always get an error related to NA.
It seems to be very simples but I am stuck since last Monday.

I have played with several conditional ("ifelse", "if", "if else" etc) and
logical tests ("|", "||", "&" etc) but I got nothing so far.

Could someone help me and show me a path to go through?
Below there is the cleanest code I have tried.

Best regards



r <- raster(nrow=10, ncol=10)
s <- lapply(1:200, function(i) setValues(r, rnorm(ncell(r),
                                                  sample.int(5,1), 0.5)))
s <- stack(s)
s[s < 0] <- NA

# Visualize that some pixels have NAs and other don't
hasna <- stackApply(s, indices = 1, fun = function(x, na.rm){anyNA(x)})
hasna2 <- stackApply(s2, indices = 1, fun = function(x, na.rm){anyNA(x)})


# CorDistance function does not handle NAs
[1] 0.2192382

<simpleError in .common.ts.sanity.check(x): NA in the series>
  [1] NA

fun <- function(x,y){
  out <- ifelse(anyNA(x) | anyNA(y),
                yes = NA,
                no = unname(CorDistance(x,y)))

# Check that it works
[1] 0.2192382

# Check that it does not work
[1] NA

new_s1 <- fun(s,s2)
<simpleError in if (any(is.na(x))) { stop("NA in the series")}:
  argument is not interpretable as logical>

# Check that it does not work with calc
new_s2 <- calc(s,s2, fun = fun)
Error in .calcTest(x[1:5], fun, na.rm, forcefun, forceapply) :
  cannot use this function



Jackson M. Rodrigues

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