[R-sig-Geo] creating a data range for color coding and using it in color_manual_scale

PAMELLA KAGELIZA KILAVI pk@ge||z@ @end|ng |rom @tudent@@uonb|@@c@ke
Mon Mar 16 12:55:45 CET 2020

Dear All.

Kindly assist me with the proper code for the following. I have converted
the dose to factor and grouped it into 5 levels. I need to assign a color
code to each of the levels and use is for spatial mapping. Thank you

ggplot(Mrima, mapping=aes(x=lon,y=lat))+
geom_point(data=Mrima, aes(colour=factor(dose),
cut(dose,br=c(0,60,120,360,600,5144)))) +
scale_color_manual(my_col, values = c("#D01556#", "#DF785B","EFDC60",
"#B5D374","#7CCA89"),breaks=waiver(), aesthetics =c("colour","fill"))

This is the error I am getting

Error: Insufficient values in manual scale. 1806 needed but only 5 provided.


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