[R-sig-Geo] readOGR workaround for Japanese UTF-8 geojson

Alan Engel ttcro@@ro@d@09 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jun 29 04:55:55 CEST 2020

I am working on a project https://github.com/AlanInTsukuba/jpucd that

extracting shapefiles and property data from Japanese geojson files. When

reading with readOGR(ibarakipath1 , encoding="UTF-8", use_iconv=TRUE),

I find that the subsets of cannot be written with writeOGR without losing

text fields that are in Japanese text. I found the following workaround but

wonder if there is a better way to do this.

Environment: RGui, Windows10

# load ibaraki shapefiles, extract TX subset, write to geojson


shppath <- system.file("extdata",package="jpucd")

ibarakipath1 <-

#^ JPGen2005CTgenlCY2000P08Ibaraki.geojson is a UTF-8 encoded geojson file

#^     having Japanese names in property fields. To be able to

#^    read these fields, they need to be converted (to switch-jis?).

#^     The following command does this.

#^ This can also be done by use_iconv=FALSE and setting

#^     the encoding of the Japanese columns using Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8".

ibaraki <- readOGR(ibarakipath1 , encoding="UTF-8", use_iconv=FALSE) ##

## loads so that the Japanese fields are readable but writeOGR doesn’t
write them.

head(ibaraki using data)

#^ Apply Encoding(x) <- “UTF-8”

for (name in colnames(ibaraki using data[,sapply(ibaraki @data, is.character)])){

  Encoding(ibaraki @data[[name]]) <- "UTF-8"}

#^ Get TX subset

tx2000 <- ibaraki[ibaraki using data$CITY_NAME=="つくば市"|ibaraki using data$CITY_NAME=="

              |ibaraki using data$CITY_NAME=="伊奈町"|ibaraki using data$CITY_NAME=="谷和原村

head(tx2000 using data)

#^ Write it.

dsn <- "TsukubaExpressCensusDistricts2000.geojson"

writeOGR(tx2000 , dsn,layer="TsukubaExpressCensusDistricts2000" ,
driver="GeoJSON", dataset_options = NULL,

layer_options=NULL, verbose = FALSE, check_exists=NULL,

overwrite_layer=FALSE, delete_dsn=FALSE, morphToESRI=NULL,


Thank you.



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