[R-sig-Geo] credible interval for empirical Bayesian estimates of rates

Dexter Locke dexter@|ocke @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Apr 24 17:18:40 CEST 2020

Thanks Roger and list.

I didn't think a repex was needed because a question was: why does
spdep::EBest(counts, population, family = 'binomial') give the same
results at GeoDa's, while EBest(.. binomial) is "binomial" while GeoDa
calls that "Poisson-Gamma". GeoDa can't give use a repex (GUI) and think
this is a question about terminology. The same results were achieved with
the packages while naming the model differently - why?

Yes ?spdep::EBest directed me to the literature I'm struggling to access.
And Yes, I've been looking at the raw code and understand how the estmm is

I've been using the epitools::pois.exact() and spdep::EBest. I can compare
the point estimates from pois.exact to those provided by EBest, but I'd
like to graph side by side their credible / confidence intervals.

Its this last part on the credible intervals I'm interested in. How to get
credible intervals around estmm? This is my main question.

ASDAR is a reference I'm using all the time. Thanks for that gem.

DCluster::empbaysmooth also does not provide a credible interval, either.


On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 10:23 AM Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand using nhh.no> wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Apr 2020, Dexter Locke wrote:
> > Dear esteemed list,
> >
> > I'm using spdep::EBest with family = 'binomial' for counts of events
> within
> > polygons that have an 'at risk' population. The resultant "estmm" is
> > 'shrunk' compared to the raw rate (both given by EBest and calculated "by
> > hand" rate. All good there.
> >
> > Using GeoDa version 1.14.0 24 August 2019 produces identical results for
> > its Empirical Bayesian rate. This was confirmed by plotting the EBest
> > output against GeoDa's rate and finding a perfect correlation along the 1
> > to 1 line. All good there.
> Please provide a reproducible example, as this may help with answers.
> >
> > Two questions:
> > 1. How can credible intervals around these smoothed rate estimates be
> > calculated?
> > 2. The spdep documentation calls this a binomial family, but the
> identical
> > results are obtained from GeoDa calls this "Poisson-Gamma" model here:
> > https://geodacenter.github.io/workbook/3b_rates/lab3b.html#fnref11 , so
> > what is actually being calculated? This question may help me answer the
> > first question..
> No, the default family is "poisson", with "binomial" available for
> non-rare conditions following Martuzzi, implemented by Olaf
> Berke, ?spdep::EBest.
> The code in spdep is easily accessible, so can be read directly. Please
> also compare with code for the EB Moran test, and with analogous code in
> the DCluster package, empbaysmooth(). Cf. ASDAR 2nd ed., ch. 10, section
> 10.2, pp. 322-328. The epitools::pois.exact() function is used for CIs.
> For code and data see https://asdar-book.org/bundles2ed/dismap_bundle.zip.
> >
> > Possibly the answers are addressed in the literature cited which I cannot
> > access right now at home without institutional library access.
> >
> Most institutions do have proxy or VPN access, but the code will be as
> useful. In PySAL, the code would also guide you, but even though GeoDa is
> open source, the C++ is fairly dense.
> Hope this helps,
> Roger
> > Thanks for your consideration,
> > Dexter
> > http://dexterlocke.com/
> >
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> >
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> --
> Roger Bivand
> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand using nhh.no
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