[R-sig-Geo] PhD position at OpenGeoHub: spatio-temporal data modeling and scenario testing using web-GIS

Tomislav Hengl tom@heng| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Apr 14 20:31:41 CEST 2020

Application Deadline: 3rd of May 2019
Possible start date: 1st of June 2020
Duration: 3.5+ years,
Job location: Agro Business Park 10, Wageningen
Bruto monthly salary: *The gross monthly salary starts at € 2.290,- in the
first year and will increase to € 2.972,-* in the fourth year of your
employment (with possible bonuses)
Job type:  PhD student / researcher
Fields: geoinformatics, geo-databases, meteorology, pedometrics,
environmetrics, environmental sciences
Employer: *OpenGeoHub foundation*
PhD study programme: PE&RC Post-graduate school (https://www.pe-rc.nl/), to
be organized jointly with the Laboratory of Geo-information Science and
Remote Sensing, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University
and Research

Job description

OpenGeoHub (Stichting OpenGeoHub) is a not-for-profit research foundation
with headquarters at the Agro Business Park, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
We aim to become world experts in producing global and regional spatial
predictions of soil, vegetation and meteo variables, by using High
Performance Computing / optimization and state-of-the-art Machine Learning.

OpenGeoHub foundation is looking for a young researcher (PhD position) in
the field of spatio-temporal environmental data modeling and visualization.
To qualify for this position, a solid knowledge of spatial and
spatiotemporal statistics and time-series data analysis is required. You
are expected to show capacity to develop software and web-solutions for
spatiotemporal data using Open Source software (R, Python, Javascript
and/or Julia); capacity to develop new solutions in geocomputing and
geovisualization, while optimizing and automating modeling frameworks to
help deliver scientific outputs in a timely manner, is also expected. You
would further develop algorithms for scenario testing using web-GIS and
interactive visualizations i.e. that can be served to thousands of users.
You would work on data science problems within the OpenGeoHub's current and
future European Commission (Horizon 2020) projects including: *"Geo-Harmonizer:
EU-wide automated mapping system for harmonization of Open Data based on
FOSS4G and Machine Learning" (2019–2022)
<https://opendatascience.eu/geoharmonizer-project>* and *"MOOD: MOnitoring
Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context"
(2020–2023) <https://mood-h2020.eu/>*.

A formal program of PhD study will be organized jointly with the Laboratory
of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing, Department of Environmental
Sciences, Wageningen University and Research (prof. dr. Martin Herold
<https://www.wur.nl/en/Persons/Martinprof.dr.-M-Martin-Herold.htm>). This
implies that you would spend a significant amount of time writing a
research proposal and publications, meeting with supervisors (weekly),
following PhD courses (organized through the PE&RC Postgraduate school
<https://www.pe-rc.nl/>) and networking with other researchers. You would
have to prepare and submit a research proposal after 6 months from the
start of position, which would be evaluated at the PE&RC school level

For more info:

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