[R-sig-Geo] Problem of vector allocation in GSIF package

Tomislav Hengl tom@heng| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Sep 13 17:45:25 CEST 2019

You have two options:

1. Run predictions using tiling 

2. Buy more RAM.

I suggest using option 1 since option 2 can propagate to infinity.

PS: I am working on a new package 
(https://github.com/Envirometrix/landmap/) that should give more 
flexibility to users and maybe even incorporate tiling of large objects 
by default.

On 9/13/19 5:38 PM, Manuel Spínola wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I am fitting a model with the GSIF package, but I ran into a problem of
> vector allocation.  Is there any way to solve this problem?  See code and
> error message below.
> I am using:
> R 3.6.1
> GSIF 0.5-5
> Mac with 16 GB of RAM
>> rk_rf_ac <- fit.gstatModel(variables_todos_sp["ac"], ac_formulaString_correlacion, covar_finales_sp, method = "quantregForest")Fitting a Quantile Regression Forest model...Shapiro-Wilk normality test and Anderson-Darling normality test report probability of < .05 indicating lack of normal distribution for residualsFitting a 2D variogram...Saving an object of class 'gstatModel'...> rk_rf_ac_pred <- GSIF::predict(rk_rf_ac, covar_finales_sp, predict.method = "KED")Error: cannot allocate vector of size 19.4 Gb
> Thank you very much,
> Manuel

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