[R-sig-Geo] [FORGED] Modifying the length of a matrix variable

r@i@1290 m@iii@g oii @im@com r@i@1290 m@iii@g oii @im@com
Sun Mar 31 00:30:06 CET 2019

Yes, I reproduced the example above and it works just fine (and is what I want!!), but I cannot see why it does not work with my data, as it is a 3-dimensional array (latitude, longitude and time). 
This is what comes from print(Model4):
3 variables (excluding dimension variables):
        double onedaymax[lon,lat,time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            units: mm/day
        double fivedaymax[lon,lat,time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            units: mm/day
        short Year[time]   (Contiguous storage)  

     3 dimensions:
        time  Size:95
        lat  Size:64
            units: degree North
        lon  Size:128
            units: degree East
I reviewed it over and over again, but I cannot see why this would not work?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rolf Turner <r.turner using auckland.ac.nz>
To: rain1290 <rain1290 using aim.com>
Cc: r-sig-geo <r-sig-geo using r-project.org>
Sent: Sat, Mar 30, 2019 6:49 pm
Subject: Re: [FORGED] [R-sig-Geo] Modifying the length of a matrix variable

On 31/03/19 11:14 AM, rain1290 using aim.com wrote:

> Hi Rolf (and others),
> I tried your suggestion, but when I used dim(Model4.chopped), it still 
> shows 95 layers, as shown below:
> 8192    95
> I also find that the total number of cells is rather low for that many 
> layers. I started with 778240 cells over 95 layers.

Well then you're doing something wrong, or there is something that you 
haven't told us.

> junk <- array(runif(64*128*95),dim=c(64,128,95))
> junk.chopped <- junk[,,1:90]
> dim(junk)
> [1]  64 128  95
> dim(junk.chopped)
> [1]  64 128  90

Perhaps Model.4 has some structure other than that of an array. 
(Originally you said it was a matrix.)

You really need to get your terminology and ideas *clear* in order to 
have any hope of receiving useful advice.

I have no idea what you are on about in respect of "the number of 
cells".  My mind-reading machine is in the repair shop.  I strongly 
suspect that your thoughts are confused.



Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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