[R-sig-Geo] Location estimation methods based on multiple surfaces?
Andy Bunn
bunn@ @end|ng |rom wwu@edu
Fri Jun 28 19:51:36 CEST 2019
Excellent. I think I have a way forward worked out in my head. But as with many things, I need to go back and think about what it is I’m really after as the end product. I might be heading down the wrong path. Thanks for your help.
From: Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson using lancaster.ac.uk>
Date: Friday, June 28, 2019 at 4:12 AM
To: Andy Bunn <bunna using wwu.edu>
Cc: R-sig-Geo <r-sig-geo using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Location estimation methods based on multiple surfaces?
This has also been posted to gis.stackexchange.com<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgis.stackexchange.com&data=02%7C01%7Cbunna%40wwu.edu%7C1cf95b53c5474c35586d08d6fbb97375%7Cdc46140ce26f43efb0ae00f257f478ff%7C0%7C1%7C636973171266761575&sdata=lAXBPTNLIUZvpmJCx8FzCwZ7%2FeCu%2F6hi%2BbtK7OSZfGY%3D&reserved=0> where I've blathered a bit about probability distributions:
That site might not be the best place to solve the problem if it gets a bit too much like a discussion - the question might be a bit broad...
On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 10:00 PM Andy Bunn <bunna using wwu.edu<mailto:bunna using wwu.edu>> wrote:
Hello all. I’m probably reinventing the wheel here and wonder if somebody can point me in a better direction.
I have about 10 surfaces of signal strength (z) received at a transmitter. Here I’ll provide an example with four surfaces `r1`, `r2`, `r3`, `r4`.
n <- 100
r0 <- raster(nrows=n, ncols=n,xmn=1, xmx=n,ymn=1,ymx=n)
r0 <- as(r0,"SpatialGrid")
pts <- data.frame(x=c(10,20,60,80,1,1,n,n),y=c(10,80,70,40,1,n,1,n),
id=c(1:4,rep(0,4)), z=c(c(rep(1,4)),rep(0,4)))
pts <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(pts[,1:2],data=pts[,3:4])
r1 <- idw(z~1,pts[c(1,5:8),],newdata=r0)
r2 <- idw(z~1,pts[c(2,5:8),],newdata=r0)
r3 <- idw(z~1,pts[c(3,5:8),],newdata=r0)
r4 <- idw(z~1,pts[c(4,5:8),],newdata=r0)
r1 <- raster(r1)
r2 <- raster(r2)
r3 <- raster(r3)
r4 <- raster(r4)
I also have a series of points with signal strengths that correspond to each surface. The locations of these points is unknown. The task is to determine a location for each point. E.g., for `unknownXY`:
# Extract a point. For the real data I would have the z data but not x and y
cell2get <- floor(runif(1,1,n^2))
unknownXY <- c(extract(brick(r1,r2,r3,r4),cell2get))
In this case there is a four-way intersection of the contour lines that I could find suing some kind of intersection technique (e.g., `rgeos::gIntersection`).
# Here is the the contour for the unknown point on each raster
# here are all 4 contours
But there are times when, I think, that there will not be a completely pure intersection (e.g., the contours will not exactly overlap). In that case I’m wondering about using a probabilistic method for finding x,y for a given vector of z.
One thing I was thinking was calculating distances. E.g.,
# calc distances
r1d <- sqrt((unknownXY[1] - r1)^2)
r2d <- sqrt((unknownXY[2] - r2)^2)
r3d <- sqrt((unknownXY[3] - r3)^2)
r4d <- sqrt((unknownXY[4] - r4)^2)
And them summing them:
# Straight sum? Should they be weighted in some manner?
rdSum <- sum(brick(r1d,r2d,r3d,r4d))
I could find the min value to get the ``best'' point:
# Use min to get possible location. Seems easy to get trapped.
rdSumMin <- rdSum == minValue(rdSum)
Or use a threshold value to get a series of locations that are the most likely:
# Or use quantile to get possible locations?
thresh <- quantile(rdSum, probs = c(0.01))
rdSum99 <- rdSum < thresh
What I’m wondering it whether there is a way of finding a surface that is explicitly probabilistic. What I’d like to do is be able to determine possible location with x% likelihood.
Any ideas, tips, tricks, appreciated.
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