[R-sig-Geo] testing a crs string

Edzer Pebesma edzer@pebe@m@ @end|ng |rom un|-muen@ter@de
Thu Jun 20 16:42:03 CEST 2019

On 6/20/19 4:18 PM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via R-sig-Geo wrote:
> Hi All:
> I am extending a package I have to allow users to provide a crs string, which will eventually through some other packages be sent to sf.  I like to try and make at least minimal tests that inputs are valid.  Is there some existing code that will check if a string is a valid crs string?

> inherits(try(sf::st_crs("+proj=invalid"), silent = TRUE), "try-error")
[1] TRUE
> inherits(try(sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat"), silent = TRUE), "try-error")

> Thanks,
> -Roy
> **********************
> "The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or NOAA."
> **********************
> Roy Mendelssohn
> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
> Environmental Research Division
> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
> ***Note new street address***
> 110 McAllister Way
> Santa Cruz, CA 95060
> Phone: (831)-420-3666
> Fax: (831) 420-3980
> e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn using noaa.gov www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/
> "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics
Heisenbergstrasse 2, 48151 Muenster, Germany
Phone: +49 251 8333081

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