[R-sig-Geo] LandGIS Open Land data service - global stack of environmental layers

Tomislav Hengl tom@heng| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jan 18 10:40:57 CET 2019

Just added an example with multipoint query to the LandGISmaps rep:


REST now works for up to 50 points. The impressive speed is mainly 
thanks to using SSD and cloud GeoTIFF settings 


## REST multipoint query ----
path <- geopath(lon1=4.9, lon2=4.9, lat1=52.3, lat2=35.1)
writeOGR(as(path, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"), "test_points.geojson", 
layer="test_points", driver="GeoJSON")
## overlay points and grids:
system('curl -X POST --form "points=@test_points.geojson" --form 
https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org/query/points -o results.json')
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(rjson::fromJSON(file="results.json")), 
ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
plot(df[,2], df[,3], type="l")
## 255 is the missing value

Let me know if you experience any problems.

Tom Hengl

On 1/15/19 10:55 PM, Tomislav Hengl wrote:
> We have recently released a webmapping system to serve global consistent 
> environmental and Earth science layers at spatial resolutions from 10 km 
> to 250 m (hopefully also soon at 100 m). This is an Open Data system as 
> majority of layers are distributed under the Open Data Commons Open 
> Database License (ODbL) and/or Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 
> 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA). Read more about LandGIS in: 
> http://opengeohub.org/about-landgis.
> You can access the web app at:
> https://landgis.opengeohub.org
> The system currently (Jan 2019) serves about 300+ layers from relief and 
> geology, to vegetation indices, climatic images, soil properties and 
> classes and potential and actual vegetation. Complete overview of 
> available layers is available at:
> https://github.com/Envirometrix/LandGISmaps
> In addition to the web-mapping app, data can be accessed using the:
> - Geonode installation at https://maps.opengeohub.org,
> - LandGIS REST API services at https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org,
> - LandGIS WCS at https://geoserver.opengeohub.org/landgisgeoserver/web/,
> A copy of all layers is also available via Zenodo.org i.e. via an unique 
> URL.
> To access data at point locations best use the REST API. For example, to 
> access monthly precipitations at a location X, Y you can use:
> https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org/query/point?lat=7.58033&lon=35.6561&coll=layers1km&regex=clm_precipitation_imerge.(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)_m_1km_s0..0cm_.*_v0.1.tif 
> which returns a GeoJSON (table) with precipitation values in mm.
> To access values of LandGIS layers at multiple points you can use:
> curl -X POST --form "points=@test_points.geojson" --form 
> "layer=pnv_fapar_proba.v.jul_d_1km_s0..0cm_2014..2017_v0.1.tif" 
> https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org/query/points -o results.json
> where test_points.geojson is the input GeoJSON file containing 
> coordinates of points. The multi-point access is currently limited to 
> max 20 points, but we hope to increase this number gradually. More 
> examples of how to construct spatial queries are available at: 
> https://landgisapi.opengeohub.org
> In addition to the REST access, you can also access the LandGIS data 
> using the Web Coverage Service (WCS) functionality of the Geoserver e.g. 
> to subset layers using a bounding box. For example, to download surface 
> temperature for July for an area of about 300 by 300 km you can use:
> https://geoserver.opengeohub.org/landgisgeoserver/ows?service=WCS&version=2.0.1& 
> request=GetCoverage&
> coverageId=layers1km:clm_lst_mod11a2.jul.day_m_1km_s0..0cm_2000..2017_v1.0&
> subset=Lat(41,45)&subset=Long(32,35)
> The read limit for WCS is 4GB and response size limit is 200MB. This 
> means that WCS might fail if you try to fetch too large bounding boxes. 
> If this happens we recommend instead downloading whole GeoTIFFs from 
> Zenodo.
> We are currently preparing R functionality to allow users fetching data 
> from LandGIS in a more systematic way (import, overlay, subset, 
> plot...). If you would like to contribute to this initiative, especially 
> to testing the R functions, please send me an email. Also we would 
> appreciate if you would report any bug or inconsistency you discover 
> via: https://github.com/Envirometrix/LandGISmaps/issues
> If you are currently producing any similar types of data (e.g. 
> environmental layers at resolutions from 100 m to 1 km for a global land 
> mask) and if you would like to publish this data on LandGIS, please 
> forward a proposal for publishing your global layers: 
> https://opengeohub.org/submitting-global-layers-inclusion-landgis and we 
> will get on it asap.
> thank you,
> Tom Hengl
> https://opengeohub.org/people/tom-hengl

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