[R-sig-Geo] PROJ6 rgdal::project/sp::spTransform - issue of points that cannot be inverted

Daniel Kelley D@n@Ke||ey @end|ng |rom D@|@C@
Fri Dec 6 15:25:45 CET 2019

>From prior discussions on this thread and elsewhere, I am given to understand that rgdal::project() will not be carried over into PROJ6, and that we are recommendd to use sp::spTransform() instead.

Accordingly, I started work on switching the 'oce' package from rgdal::project() to sp::spTransform().  However, I have a problem with points that cannot be inverted.  With rgdal::project(), we get warning messages if the input contains such points (and the output is Inf for the associated projected points).  However, it seems that with sp::spTransform(), we get an error message and no results, if any of the data contain points that cannot be inverted.  I want to be able to transform a lot of points at the same time (owing to data-set size and speed considerations), so handling the data point-by-point is not an option.

My question is simple: is there a way I can make sp::spTransform() return an equivalent to that of rgdal::project(), with finite data where possible and Inf (or similar) where an inverse cannot be done?

Possibly I am just something.  For anyone who has the patience to look, I have some thoughts at https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1599#issuecomment-562578641 but the gist is as follows: note that 'PROJ' consists of three points, one of which is (of course) Inf, but that 'TRAN' consists only of an error message. Maybe there is an argument to sp::spTransform() that I'm unaware of, that will cause it to return data when it can, and Inf when it cannot?

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> library("rgdal")
> library("sp")
> ll <- cbind(rep(180, 3), c(-89, -90, -89))
> lonlat <- sp::SpatialPoints(ll, sp::CRS("+proj=longlat"))
> xy <- sp::spTransform(lonlat, sp::CRS("+proj=moll"))
> # rgdal::project returns a mixture of results and Inf values
> dput(rgdal::project(sp::coordinates(xy), proj="+proj=moll", inv=TRUE))
structure(c(179.999999999998, Inf, 179.999999999998, -89.0000000000001, 
Inf, -89.0000000000001), .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("coords.x1", 
> ## but sp::spTransform returns no data at all
> dput(try(sp::spTransform(xy, sp::CRS("+proj=longlat")), silent=TRUE))
non finite transformation detected:
    coords.x1     coords.x2                             
 1.104637e-09 -9.020048e+06           Inf           Inf 
structure("Error in sp::spTransform(xy, sp::CRS(\"+proj=longlat\")) : \n  failure in points 2\n", class = "try-error", condition = structure(list(
    message = "failure in points 2", call = sp::spTransform(xy, 
        sp::CRS("+proj=longlat"))), class = c("simpleError", 
"error", "condition")))

Dan Kelley
Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS, Canada

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