[R-sig-Geo] Common Factors test in R

Hulényi Martin m@rt|n@hu|eny| @end|ng |rom v|@d@@gov@@k
Fri Apr 5 15:11:34 CEST 2019

I would like to perform a common factor test, conducted using likelihood ratio test on spatial error model and spatial durbin model (both in panel format).
I have not found a command in R, that would help me to conduct the test. Hence, I am trying to perform the test manuallly using the splm package and data available in the splm and plm packages.
Here is my code:

data(Produc, package="plm")

Produc <- pdata.frame(Produc, index = c("state", "year"))

usaww<- mat2listw(usaww, style="W")

Produc$slagUnemp <- slag(Produc$unemp, listw = usaww)

durbin <- spml(gsp~unemp + slagUnemp,
                data=Produc, listw=usaww,  effect = "twoways", model="within", lag=TRUE, spatial.error = "none", quiet = FALSE)
spem  <- spml(gsp ~ unemp,
                data=Produc, listw=usaww,  effect = "twoways", model="within", lag=FALSE, spatial.error = "b", quiet = FALSE)
Is it correct to take the last value of the function from the console output to compute the likelihood ratio?
Meaning, in this example, to calculate 2*(function(non-nested) - function(nested)) = 2*(10261.79 - 10255.74) = 12.1?
If it is correct, how can I compute the significance values?
If it is not correct, is there a better way to compute this?

Autorom tejto spr�vy elektronickej po�ty je Martin Hul�nyi. T�to spr�va je ur�en� v�lu�ne jej adres�tovi. Inform�cie a �daje, ktor� s� v nej uveden�, alebo ktor� s� obsiahnut� v jej prilo�en�ch s�boroch, m�u by� inform�ciami alebo �dajmi chr�nen�mi pod�a platn�ch pr�vnych predpisov v Slovenskej republike. V pr�pade, ak nie ste ur�en� ako prij�mate� tejto spr�vy alebo jeho opr�vnen� z�stupca, upozor�ujeme V�s, �e inform�cie a �daje v nej uveden� nie ste opr�vnen� sprac�va�, ani ich spr�stupni� alebo poskytn�� tretej osobe alebo ich zverejni�. Ak ste nedopatren�m prijali alebo zachytili tuto spr�vu elektronickej po�ty, dovo�ujeme si V�s po�iada�, aby ste ju zaslali sp� na elektronick� adresu jej odosielate�a, a aby ste ju n�sledne zmazali zo svojho po��ta�a a z Va�ej schr�nky elektronickej po�ty. Odosielate� tejto spr�vy nenesie zodpovednos� za �kody sp�soben� nespr�vnym pou�it�m tejto spr�vy elektronickej po�ty a jej pr�loh.

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