[R-sig-Geo] Help with simple Map of US states with predefined regions Version 2

MacQueen, Don m@cqueen1 @ending from llnl@gov
Thu Sep 13 22:40:47 CEST 2018

I know this is not a complete solution -- and it's a very different approach -- but it should at least show you a way to reliably get states colored by region.
(I also left out Alaska and Hawaii, since the point here is how to color the regions)


## US Census Bureau Tiger file -- polygons of each US State
## try this URL for download
##      https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/shapefiles/index.php?year=2017&layergroup=States+%28and+equivalent%29

## unzip to working directory ( '.' )
ustf <- readOGR('.', 'tl_2017_us_state', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## note, the Tiger file includes 6 additional territories
## [1] 56 14

## get rid of the extra six territories  (state.name comes with R)
cus <- subset(ustf, NAME %in% state.name)

## cheap rename
cus$state <- cus$NAME
cus$abb <- cus$STUSPS

## invent ridiculous groupings of states
cus$grp <- 'a'
cus$grp[11:20] <- 'b'
cus$grp[21:30] <- 'c'
cus$grp[31:40] <- 'd'
cus$grp[41:50] <- 'e'

## assign colors to the groups
cus$color <- 'red'
cus$color[cus$grp=='b'] <- 'green'
cus$color[cus$grp=='c'] <- 'blue'
cus$color[cus$grp=='d'] <- 'brown'
cus$color[cus$grp=='e'] <- 'cyan'

## exclude Alaska, Hawaii
cus <- subset(cus, !(state %in% c('Alaska','Hawaii')))

## get rid of extraneous variables (optional)
cus <- cus[ , c('state','REGION','abb', 'grp') ]

## plot colored by regions as defined in the Census Bureau Tiger file
plot(cus, col=cus$REGION, usePolypath=FALSE)

## color "1" is black, looks bad, do this instead
plot(cus, col=as.numeric(cus$REGION)+1, usePolypath=FALSE)
text(coordinates(cus), cus$abb, col='white', cex=0.75)

## colors specified by a color variable in the data
plot(cus, col=cus$color, usePolypath=FALSE)
text(coordinates(cus), cus$abb, col='white', cex=0.75)

(my preferred graphics device does not support Polypath, but probably most others do, so one can omit usePolypath=FALSE)


Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
Lab cell 925-724-7509

On 9/13/18, 5:17 AM, "R-sig-Geo on behalf of Bill Poling" <r-sig-geo-bounces using r-project.org on behalf of Bill.Poling using zelis.com> wrote:

    I hope someone can help me finalize this please.
    I am coming close to what I need using variations from two ggplot2 tutorials.
    This first gives me the map of the US with AK & HI but I cannot figure out how to get my 5 regions colored
    library(ggalt)     # coord_proj
    library(albersusa) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/albersusa")
    library(ggthemes)  # theme_map
    library(rgeos)     # centroids
    # composite map with AK & HI
    usa_map <- usa_composite()
    # calculate the centroids for each state gCentroid(usa_map, byid=TRUE) %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      mutate(state=usa_map using data$iso_3166_2) -> centroids
    # make it usable in ggplot2
    usa_map <- fortify(usa_map)
    t1 <- head(usa_map,n=5)
    knitr::kable(t1, row.names=FALSE, align=c("l", "l", "r", "r", "r"))
      # |long      |lat      | group| order|  region|subregion |
      # |:---------|:--------|-----:|-----:|-------:|:---------|
      # |-87.46201 |30.38968 |     1|     1| alabama|NA        |
      # |-87.48493 |30.37249 |     1|     2| alabama|NA        |
      # |-87.52503 |30.37249 |     1|     3| alabama|NA        |
      # |-87.53076 |30.33239 |     1|     4| alabama|NA        |
      # |-87.57087 |30.32665 |     1|     5| alabama|NA        |
    usa_map <- fortify(usa_map)
    gg <- ggplot()
    gg <- gg + geom_map(data=usa_map, map=usa_map,
                        aes(long, lat, map_id=id),
                        color="#2b2b2b", size=0.1, fill=NA)
    gg <- gg + geom_text(data=centroids, aes(x, y, label=state), size=2) gg <- gg + coord_proj(us_laea_proj) gg <- gg + theme_map() gg
    This second is an alternative (however not liking AK&HI, not coming into the map like scenario one above) but also ignoring new Mexico (because recognizing a seventh field value) and I suspect it will do the same for new York and new jersey etc.. when I add them to the list.
    Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec,  :  line 12 did not have 6 elements
    When I use newmexico (all one word) it appears white in the map like the other states not in the table statement
    read.table(text="State.Code   region            St_Abbr   Num_Estab  colors
                          1          1   alaska       Ak        13123    #f7931e
                          3          1   arizona      AZ        18053    #f7931e
                          5          1   california   CA       143937    #f7931e
                          2          1   hawaii       HI       123456    #f7931e
                          4          1   nevada       NV       654321    #f7931e
                          6          1   oregon       OR       321456    #f7931e
                          7          1   washington   WA       456123    #f7931e
                          8          2   colorado     CO       987654    #787878
                          9          2   idaho        ID       13549     #787878
                         10          2   kansas       KS       94531     #787878
                         11          2   montana      MT       456321    #787878
                         12          2   new mexico   NM     582310            #787878 <---Not liking new mexico, saying not 6
                         13          2   oklahoma     OK       214567    #787878
                         14          2   texas        TX       675421    #787878
                         15          2   utah         UT       754321    #787878
                         16          2   wyoming      WY       543124    #787878 ",
    stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE, comment.char="") -> df
    usa_map1 <- map_data("state")
    t1 <- head(usa_map1,n=5)
    knitr::kable(t1, row.names=FALSE, align=c("l", "l", "r", "r", "r"))
    #   |long      |lat      | group| order|  region|subregion |
    #   |:---------|:--------|-----:|-----:|-------:|:---------|
    #   |-87.46201 |30.38968 |     1|     1| alabama|NA        |
    #   |-87.48493 |30.37249 |     1|     2| alabama|NA        |
    #   |-87.52503 |30.37249 |     1|     3| alabama|NA        |
    #   |-87.53076 |30.33239 |     1|     4| alabama|NA        |
    #   |-87.57087 |30.32665 |     1|     5| alabama|NA        |
    gg <- ggplot()
    gg <- gg + geom_map(data=usa_map1, map=usa_map1,
                        aes(long, lat, map_id=region),
                        color="#2b2b2b", size=0.15, fill=NA)
    gg <- gg + geom_map(data=df, map=usa_map1,
                        aes(fill=colors, map_id=region),
                        color="#2b2b2b", size=0.15)
    gg <- gg + geom_text(data=centroids, aes(x, y, label=state), size=2) gg <- gg + coord_proj(us_laea_proj) gg <- gg + theme_map() gg
    gg <- gg + scale_color_identity()
    gg <- gg + coord_map("polyconic")
    gg <- gg + ggthemes::theme_map()
    #c( "colorado", "idaho", "kansas", "montana", "new mexico", "oklahoma","texas", "utah", "wyoming") ) #c("alaska", "arizona", "california", "hawaii", "nevada", "oregon","washington"))
    William H. Poling, Ph.D., MPH
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