[R-sig-Geo] Problems with gstat gaussian variogram and cross validation when fix nugget at 0
Stefano Menichetti
@@menichetti @ending from @rp@t@to@c@n@@it
Fri Oct 12 16:36:37 CEST 2018
Dear all, I have a question about fixing nugget at 0 in a Gaussian
variogram using *gstat *package
I have encountered a serious problem on a variogram of piezometric data
that give "strange" results if I want to fix nugget to 0.
This is the file and how to import:
//file =>
/lay1 =� read.delim(paste(path,*file*,sep=""),sep="\t",dec=",")//
//SpData = na.exclude(subset(lay1, select = c("X","Y","Observed"))) //
The initial variogram:
/coordinates(SpData) = ~X+Y//
//var = variogram(Z~1,SpData)/
show a slow initial rise and so suggest a *Gaussian *type.
After a first variogram with:
/m = vgm(200,"Gau",3000,0)//
//plot(var, model=m, //
//main = paste(m$model[2],"//
//Nug=",m$psill[1],", Sill=",round(m$psill[2]),",
Range=",round(m$range[2]),sep ="")//
I have obtained a fitted variogram like this,
/m = fit.variogram(var, m)/
with a reasonable cross-validation results:
/krg_cv = krige.cv(Z~1, SpData, model = m)//
//plot(krg_cv$observed,krg_cv$var1.pred, xlab="Z observed", ylab="Z
//paste("media residui =",mean(krg_cv$residual))//
//paste("RMS residui =",mean(krg_cv$residual^2)^0.5)/
Resulting map it is very smooth, despite the small, it seems, nugget and
so *I have tried to fix nugget at 0* (exact interpolation).
But cross validation results with
/m = vgm(216,"Gau",3640,*0*)/
are dramatically wrong and also very different from cv results with
/m = vgm(216,"Gau",3640,*1e-3*)/
What happens ? I wrong in something ? Why nugget paraneter at 0 or at
small value influnce so hard the results ?
Thank you very much in advance,
Dott. Geol. Stefano Menichetti
ARPAT - Agenzia per la Protezione dell'Ambiente della Toscana
Settore Tecnico SIRA - Sistema Informativo Regionale Ambientale via Nicola Porpora 22 - 50144 Firenze
tel. 0553206333 cell. 3668217978 (3383550147) fax 0553206410
s.menichetti using arpat.toscana.it http:\\www.arpat.toscana.it http:\\sira.arpat.toscana.it
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