[R-sig-Geo] Video recordings from the OpenGeoHub Summer School IBOT, Prague August 19-25, 2018

Tomislav Hengl tom@hengl @ending from gm@il@com
Mon Oct 1 10:55:59 CEST 2018

The video recordings from the OpenGeoHub Summer School IBOT, Prague 
August 19-25, 2018 are now available via our youtube channel:


I am trying to organize all current and past materials into a structured 
course/archive so that everyone should be able to easier find her/his 
topics of interest:


*this might take me few weeks because we have collected many materials 
over years.

Many many thanks to the lecturers: Edzer Pebesma (IfGI University of 
Muenster, Muenster Germany), Roger Bivand (Department of Economics, 
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway), Markus Neteler 
(Mundialis, Bonn, Germany), Tim Appelhans (GfK Geomarketing, Germany),
Robin Lovelace (University of Leeds, UK), Jannes Münchow (Geographic 
Information Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany), 
Jakub Nowosad (Space Informatics Lab, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 
USA), Veronica Andreo (National Institute of Tropical Medicine INMeT, 
Argentina) and Hanna Meyer & Chris Reudenbach (Environmental 
Informatics, Philipps University Marburg, Germany) for coming to Prague 
and for sharing their materials!

And many many thanks to IBOT's department of GIS and remote sensing 
Matej Man and Jan Wild for being such excellent hosts!


Tom Hengl
The OpenGeoHub Foundation

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