[R-sig-Geo] Tutorial on reading hyperspectral data

Michael Sumner md@umner @ending from gm@il@com
Sun May 6 00:48:58 CEST 2018

On Sun, 6 May 2018, 03:31 Raja Natarajan, <nraja at tnau.ac.in> wrote:

> Hi
> Greetings
> Please share any tutorial on read and open hyperspectral astrology images
> using R

Hi Raja, I'd start with running raster::brick on one of your file paths and
let us know the result, also your sessionInfo() because support for the
likely format in use (what is it?) is platform and version dependent,
though things improved greatly recently.

There are tutorials on hyperspectral in R with raster and rhdf5 for remote
sensing data, I don't know of any astro specific ones.You may not need
rhdf5 any more, but geographic assumptions can still bite and make things

Just a guess that this may be relevant to you

Cheers, Mike

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Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
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