[R-sig-Geo] Generate the local coefficients in spgwr

Danlin Yu yud at mail.montclair.edu
Sat May 5 02:09:13 CEST 2018


I believe if you calibrate your GWR model using the gwr() routine, the 
resulted gwr object shall have all the elements you need in the SDF 
element, as detailed in the package's manual:

The SDF is a SpatialPointsDataFrame (may be gridded) or 
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object (see package "sp") with fit.points, 
weights, GWR coefficient estimates, R-squared, and coefficient standard 
errors in its "data" slot.

Once you extract this information, you can output them using generic 
functions like write.table to output to txt files, csv files and the like.

Hope this helps.


Dr. Danlin Yu

On 5/4/2018 5:17 PM, Alysson Luiz Stege wrote:
> Hello, my name is Alysson.
> I am estimating a model by the geographically weighted regression method
> and using the spgwr package. I would like to know how to generate the local
> coefficients, the value of the statistic t or the level of significance,
> the standard deviation and then export them into a txt file, for example.
> Thank's
> Alysson
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Danlin Yu, Ph.D.
Professor of GIS and Urban Geography
Department of Earth & Environmental Studies
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ, 07043
Tel: 973-655-4313
Fax: 973-655-4072
Office: CELS 314
Email: yud at mail.montclair.edu
webpage: csam.montclair.edu/~yu

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