[R-sig-Geo] sampling with a "cluster" constraints

Patrick Giraudoux patrick.giraudoux at univ-fcomte.fr
Thu Mar 22 16:31:02 CET 2018

Dear Listers,

Everybody is probably used with sp:spsample, which permits to produce 
points locations at random or on a regular grid. Is anybody aware of a 
package permitting similarly to produce points locations in a field with 
various degrees of clustering. The idea is to produce points in a field 
with various degrees of clustering repetedly,  and to compare statistics 
to observed data.  E.g. observations in the real world are clustered; 
one computes a statistics, e.g. the distance of each observation to a 
feature (e.g. to a road network); then one compute B=999 similarly 
clustered distributions randomly and the corresponding statistics. This 
would allow to compute how likely the observed statistics is.

Any hint welcome!



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