[R-sig-Geo] Plot a raster behind a shapefile

Florian Betz flobetz at web.de
Thu Jan 25 10:07:00 CET 2018

You can try the following:

plot(Marche_shape, add=TRUE)

Good luck!


Am 25.01.2018 um 09:55 schrieb Stefano Sofia:
> Dear  list users,
> I need to plot a raster behind a shapefile. Both the raster and the shapefile have been built correctly, I checked it.
> I created a raster called rain_rast through the command
> rain_rast <- raster(OK_rain$krige_output)
> with the characteristics here reported
> # output:
> #class       : RasterLayer
> #dimensions  : 151, 125, 18875  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
> #resolution  : 1000, 1000  (x, y)
> #extent      : 284845.9, 409845.9, 4712479, 4863479  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
> #coord. ref. : +init=epsg:32633 +proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
> #data source : in memory
> #names       : var1.pred
> #values      : 0.8162388, 46.54594  (min, max)
> and I loaded a shapefile  called Marche_shape through the command
> Marche_shape <- readOGR(dsn="Shapefile_regione_Marche", layer="Lim_reg_2012_wgs32633")
> which is a shapefile with reference system EPSG:32633 - WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N and a unique layer called Lim_reg_2012_wgs32633.
> Could somebody show me how to plot the raster behind the shapefile? (plot alone does not work, I tried with gplot but with no success).
> Maybe gglopt2? I tried to study some examples found in the web, but again I could not let them work for me.
> Thank you for your help
> Stefano
>           (oo)
> --oOO--( )--OOo----------------
> Stefano Sofia PhD
> Area Meteorologica e  Area nivologica - Centro Funzionale
> Servizio Protezione Civile - Regione Marche
> Via del Colle Ameno 5
> 60126 Torrette di Ancona, Ancona
> Uff: 071 806 7743
> E-mail: stefano.sofia at regione.marche.it
> ---Oo---------oO----------------
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Florian Betz
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86152 Augsburg, Deutschland

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Mail: flobetz at web.de

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