[R-sig-Geo] Change in projection results relative to 3 years ago

MacQueen, Don macqueen1 at llnl.gov
Mon Oct 30 16:46:39 CET 2017

I should have checked this before my last email:

Since I have the KyngChaos frameworks:

[69]% ls /Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/share/proj/
./                      WI                      nad.lst                 proj_def.dat
../                     WO                      nad27                   prvi
CH                      alaska                  nad83                   stgeorge
FL                      conus                   ntf_r93.gsb             stlrnc
GL27                    epsg                    ntv1_can.dat            stpaul
IGNF                    esri                    null                    world
MD                      esri.extra              nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb
TN                      hawaii                  other.extra

If my rgdal was installed from the CRAN binary, which I believe it was, then perhaps if I install from source it will pick up those files.


Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
Lab cell 925-724-7509

On 10/30/17, 7:55 AM, "Roger Bivand" <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:

    On Mon, 30 Oct 2017, MacQueen, Don wrote:
    > Three years ago Roger and Hermann Peifer graciously helped me solve a projection issue in R. Something has since changed; results are different now.
    > I'd once again appreciate assistance... and am more or less hoping that someone will have some idea about what has changed, hence what I can do to return to my previously blissful state.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > -Don
    Briefly, please check the current contents of:
    I get:
    > locs.26743 <- spTransform(locs.ll, CRS("+init=epsg:26743"))
    > coordinates(locs.ref)-coordinates(locs.26743)
          coords.x1 coords.x2
    [1,]  3.746539 -1.876668
    [2,]  3.746607 -1.876466
    > library(rgdal)
    Loading required package: sp
    rgdal: version: 1.2-15, (SVN revision 691)
      Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
      Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 2.2.2, released 2017/09/15
      Path to GDAL shared files: /usr/local/share/gdal
      GDAL binary built with GEOS: TRUE
      Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.3, 15 August 2016, [PJ_VERSION: 493]
      Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected)
      Linking to sp version: 1.2-5
    (1.2-15 is the development version, but nothing changed in this respect 
    vis. 1.2-13)
    > list.files("/usr/local/share/proj")
      [1] "alaska"             "CH"                 "conus"
      [4] "epsg"               "esri"               "esri.extra"
      [7] "FL"                 "GL27"               "hawaii"
    [10] "IGNF"               "MD"                 "nad.lst"
    [13] "nad27"              "nad83"              "ntf_r93.gsb"
    [16] "ntv1_can.dat"       "null"               "nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb"
    [19] "other.extra"        "proj_def.dat"       "prvi"
    [22] "stgeorge"           "stlrnc"             "stpaul"
    [25] "TN"                 "WI"                 "WO"
    [28] "world"
    Maybe you are being thrown back just to the ellipsoid if the NAD grids are 
    Hope this helps,
    > My original request is here
    >   https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2014-August/021611.html
    > and Roger's solution is here
    >   https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2014-August/021623.html
    > (actually, they did more than help, the pretty much did all the work!)
    > I recently discovered the coordinates produced by that solution are now
    > roughly 100m different from what they were then.
    > (I've done quite a bit of checking to make sure I'm not making some
    > dumb mistake, and feel confident I haven't. Hopefully I'm right!)
    > A small set of example locations is transformed from long/lat to a local coordinate system using
    >  (A) a reference method deemed correct
    >  (B) an R method using sp::spTransform()
    > The goal was to have B reproduce A. Three years ago, it did. Now it does not.
    > (The accuracy of method A is not the issue. It uses standard methods implemented in ESRI software.)
    > The reproducible example below (same one as 3 years ago) does not use the full version of method B, but it does illustrate how something has changed.
    > ##
    > ## reproducible example begins
    > ##
    > ## define two example points in WGS84 long/lat (same as 3 years ago)
    > locs.xy <- cbind(
    >  c(-121.524764291826,-121.523480804667),
    >  c(37.6600366036405,37.6543604613483)
    > )
    > locs.ll <- SpatialPoints(locs.xy, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") )
    > ## Outside of R, reference method A converts from long/lat
    > ## to a local system, EPSG 26743, which is:
    > ##   California State Plane Zone III, NAD27, feet;
    > ##   http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/26743/
    > ## using an ESRI "two-step process" (some detail at the end),
    > ## saved as a shapefile, loaded into R using readOGR().
    > ## Here is the "dput" of those coordinates from three years ago (the example location transformed by method A)
    > locs.ref <- new(
    >  "SpatialPoints",
    >  coords = structure(c(1703671.30566227, 1704020.20113366,
    >                       424014.398045834, 421943.708664294),
    >                     .Dim = c(2L, 2L),
    >                     .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("coords.x1", "coords.x2")))
    > , bbox = structure(
    >    c(1703671.30566227, 421943.708664294,
    >      1704020.20113366, 424014.398045834),
    >    .Dim = c(2L, 2L),
    >    .Dimnames = list(c("coords.x1",  "coords.x2"), c("min", "max")))
    > , proj4string =
    >    new("CRS",
    >        projargs = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=37.06666666666667 +lat_2=38.43333333333333 +lat_0=36.5 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=609601.2192024384 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD27 +units=us-ft +no_defs +ellps=clrk66 +nadgrids=@conus, at alaska, at ntv2_0.gsb, at ntv1_can.dat"
    >        )
    > )
    > ## locs.ref and locs.ll are created as above, the same as they were 3 years ago
    > ## (same reproducible example data as then)
    > ## use spTransform to go from WGS84 directly to the local system
    > ## using spTransform()
    > locs.26743 <- spTransform(locs.ll, CRS("+init=epsg:26743"))
    > ## distances relative to the reference transformation in August 2014
    > coordinates(locs.ref)-coordinates(locs.26743)
    > ##      coords.x1 coords.x2
    > ## [1,]  3.746539 -1.876668
    > ## [2,]  3.746607 -1.876466
    > ## distances relative to the reference transformation now
    > coordinates(locs.ref)-coordinates(locs.26743)
    > ##      coords.x1 coords.x2
    > ## [1,]  309.9325  20.05890
    > ## [2,]  309.9136  20.03086
    > ##
    > ## a transformation that formerly was within a few feet of the example location is now some 300 feet away
    > ##
    > ## the ESRI "two step" starts with the lon/lat,
    > ## Step 1 converts transforms them using what ESRI calls
    > ##     NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_5       (wkid 1515)
    > ## Step 2 transforms the resulting coordinates using
    > ##     NAD_1927_To_NAD1983_NADCON   (wkid 1241)
    > --------  Session info now:
    > library(rgdal)
    > Loading required package: rgdal
    > Loading required package: sp
    > rgdal: version: 1.2-13, (SVN revision 686)
    > Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
    > Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 2.1.3, released 2017/20/01
    > Path to GDAL shared files: /Users/macqueen1/Library/R/3.4/library/rgdal/gdal
    > Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.3, 15 August 2016, [PJ_VERSION: 493]
    > Path to PROJ.4 shared files: /Users/macqueen1/Library/R/3.4/library/rgdal/proj
    > Linking to sp version: 1.2-5
    > sessionInfo()
    > R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
    > Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
    > Running under: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
    > Matrix products: default
    > BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
    > LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
    > locale:
    > [1] C
    > attached base packages:
    > [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
    > other attached packages:
    > [1] openxlsx_4.0.17 Rkml_1.6-5      mymaps_1.4-2    rmacq_1.3-5     rgdal_1.2-13    sp_1.2-5
    > loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
    > [1] compiler_3.4.2  tools_3.4.2     Rcpp_0.12.13    grid_3.4.2      lattice_0.20-35
    > ------ Session info then:
    > sessionInfo()
    > R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
    > Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)
    > locale:
    > [1] C
    > attached base packages:
    > [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
    > other attached packages:
    > [1] sp_1.0-15       rgdal_0.8-16    maptools_0.8-30 xlsx_0.5.5
    > [5] xlsxjars_0.6.0  rJava_0.9-6     rmacq_1.3-1
    > loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
    > [1] foreign_0.8-61  grid_3.1.1      lattice_0.20-29 tools_3.1.1
    > --
    > Don MacQueen
    > Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    > 7000 East Ave., L-627
    > Livermore, CA 94550
    > 925-423-1062
    > Lab cell 925-724-7509
    > --
    > Don MacQueen
    > Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    > 7000 East Ave., L-627
    > Livermore, CA 94550
    > 925-423-1062
    > Lab cell 925-724-7509
    > _______________________________________________
    > R-sig-Geo mailing list
    > R-sig-Geo at r-project.org
    > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo
    Roger Bivand
    Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
    Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
    voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
    Editor-in-Chief of The R Journal, https://journal.r-project.org/index.html

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