[R-sig-Geo] Basic questions about Bayesian Spatio-temporal Analysis-INLA

VIRGILIO GOMEZ RUBIO Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es
Sun Oct 8 09:18:16 CEST 2017

Hi Claire,

Not sure what type of model or data you are trying to fit. If you have raster data, it would make sense to use them as covariates and not as priors. If you definitely want to fit a spatio-temporal model with INLA  you should check this book:


Also, please check these course materials that I prepared for the GEOSTAT 2017 summer school about spatial model fitting with INLA:


In a nutshell, the inla() function works similarly as the glm() or gam() functions: you define your model in a formula (which may include random effects) and use a data.frame to pass the data.

Hope this helps.


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