[R-sig-Geo] Why is the covariance in Universal Kriging modeled this way in lectures by Prof. Edzer Pebesma?

Joelle k. Akram chino_tones at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 22 00:09:59 CET 2017


There is code for Universal Kriging from Prof. Edzer Pebesma in GitHub<https://github.com/edzer/mstp/blob/master/lec7.Rmd>.

The covariance function is defined as follows:

cov = function(h) exp(-h)

And defined without any variogram modeling/generation to produce partial sill, range or nugget parameters for defining the covariance matrix.

If  I want to include a regularization term to account for singularity effects caused due to close spatial points, how do I modify the matrix computation for computing the 'beta' coefficients ?

I know there are standard formulae for different models (e.g. Matern, Exp,etc). But I would like to retain the simple cov function defined above and possibly use a regularizer (like ridge regression) to account for a nugget-like effect.



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