[R-sig-Geo] Is a simple feature -friendly version of spdep being developed?

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Mon May 15 14:16:57 CEST 2017

On Sun, 14 May 2017, Tiernan Martin wrote:

> You’re right about one thing: those of us introduced to the pipe in our
> formative years find it hard to escape (everything is better here inside
> the pipe - right?) ;)

Pipes can be great if they don't involve extra inputs at a later stage in 
the pipe, but as:


suggests, it isn't very easy, and may be forced.

> Thank you for your very informative response. Before reading it, I had a
> vague inkling that matrices were part of the challenge of adapting these
> tools to work with simple features, but I also thought perhaps all this
> issue needed was a little nudge from a user like me. Your response made it
> clear that there is a series of technical decisions that need to be made,
> and in order to do that I imagine some exploratory testing is in order. Of
> course, it is possible that the data.frame + list-col foundation is just
> not well-suited to the needs of spatial weighting/testing tools, but I
> suspect that there is some valuable insight to be gained from exploring
> this possibility further. And as I stated in my first post, going forward I
> expect more users will be interested in seeing this sort of integration
> happen.

I think that there are two tasks - one to create neighbour objects from sf 
objects, then another to see whether the costs of putting the spatial 
weights into a data.frame (or even more challenging, a tibble) to test for 
spatial autocorrelation or model spatial dependence. Should the weights be 
squirreled away inside the object flowing down the pipe?

sf_object %>% add_weights(...) -> sf_object_with_weights
moran.test(sf_object_with_weights, ...)
geary.test(sf_object_with_weights, ...)


sf_object %>% add_weights(...) %>% moran.test(sf_object_with_weights, ...) 
-> output

all in one (output is a htest object). It gets more complex in:

lm.morantest(lm(formula, sf_object), sf_object_with_weights)

as we need the weights and the lm output object.

>> How should we go about this technically? spdep is on R-Forge and is happy
>> there. Its present functionality has to be maintained as it stands, it
> has
>> too many reverse dependencies to break. Should it be re-written from
>> scratch (with more sparse matrices internally for computation)?
>> ...
>> We'd need proof of concept with realistically sized data sets (not yet NY
>> taxis, but maybe later ...). spdep started as spweights, sptests and
>> spdep, and the first two got folded into the third when stable. If
> weights
>> are the first thing to go for, sfweights is where to go first (and port
>> the STRtree envelope intersections for contiguities). It could define the
>> new classes, and tests and modelling would use them.
> Sounds to me like this package would need to be built from the ground up,
> possibly following a similar path to the `sp` development process as you
> mentioned. Maybe that presents a challenge with regards to resources (i.e.,
> funding, time, etc.). Perhaps project this is a candidate for future
> proposals to the R Consortium or other funding sources. I hope that this
> post is useful in documenting user interest in seeing the `sf` protocol
> integrated into other spatial tools and workflows, and I look forward to
> hearing others' thoughts on the matter.

Making spatial weights from sf objects is just expanding spdep, and is 
feasible. There is no point looking for funding, all it needs is knowledge 
of how things have been done in spdep. Contiguity, knn, distance, 
graph-based neighbours are all feasible.

Extending this to adding weights to sf objects may be going too far. It 
seems slightly forced to - say - attach a sparse matrix to an sf geometry 
column as an attribute, or to add a neighbour nested list column when 
writing subsetting protection is very far from obvious. Like time series 
data (not time stamped observations, but real ordered time series), 
spatial data have implicit order that is tidy in a different way than tidy 
(graph dependencies between observation rows). Maybe mapped features with 
attached attribute data are "tidier" than a table, because they would 
preserve their relative positions?


> Thanks again,
> Tiernan
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:39 PM Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 May 2017, Tiernan Martin wrote:
>>> Is anyone thinking about creating an adaptation of the `spdep` package
>> that
>>> expects sf-class inputs and works well in a pipeline?
>> I assume that "this is not a pipeline" is a joke for insiders (in the
>> pipe)?
>> No, there is your issue on the sfr github repository that is relevant for
>> contiguous neighbours, but not beyond that:
>> https://github.com/edzer/sfr/issues/234
>> An sf is a data.frame, and as such should "just work", like "Spatial"
>> objects have, in formula/data settings. The problem is (of course) the
>> weights matrix.
>> Should it be a list column (each row has a list nesting two lists, first
>> indices, second non-zero weights), or remain separate as it has been for
>> 20 years, or become a column-oriented representation (Matrix package) - a
>> nested list like a list column or a listw obeject is row-oriented. I had
>> started thinking about using a sparse column-oriented representation, but
>> have not implemented functions accepting them instead of listw objects.
>> I am very cautious about creating classes for data that were data.frame,
>> then sf, and then have the weights built-in. In the simple case it would
>> work, but all you have to do is re-order the rows and the link between the
>> neighbour ids and row order breaks down; the same applies to subsetting.
>> The problems to solve first are related the workflows, and easiest to look
>> at in the univariate case (Moran, Geary, join-count, Mantel, G, ...) for
>> global and local tests. I think that all or almost all of the NSE verbs
>> will cause chaos (mutate, select, group) once weights have been created.
>> If there is a way to bind the neighour IDs to the input sf object rows, a
>> list column might be possible, but we have to permit multiple such columns
>> (Queen, Rook, ...), and ensure that subsetting and row-reordering keep the
>> graph relations intact (and their modifications, like row-standardisation)
>> If you've seen any examples of how tidy relates to graphs (adjacency lists
>> are like nb objects), we could learn from that.
>> How should we go about this technically? spdep is on R-Forge and is happy
>> there. Its present functionality has to be maintained as it stands, it has
>> too many reverse dependencies to break. Should it be re-written from
>> scratch (with more sparse matrices internally for computation)?
>> Your example creates weights on the fly for a local G* map, but has n=100,
>> not say n=90000 (LA census blocks). Using the sf_ geos based methods does
>> not use STRtrees, which cut the time needed to find contigious neighbours
>> from days to seconds. We ought to pre-compute weights, but this messes up
>> the flow of data, because a second lot of data (the weights) have to enter
>> the pipe, and be matched with the row-ids.
>> We'd need proof of concept with realistically sized data sets (not yet NY
>> taxis, but maybe later ...). spdep started as spweights, sptests and
>> spdep, and the first two got folded into the third when stable. If weights
>> are the first thing to go for, sfweights is where to go first (and port
>> the STRtree envelope intersections for contiguities). It could define the
>> new classes, and tests and modelling would use them.
>> Thanks for starting this discussion.
>> Roger
>>> I understand that there is skepticism about the wisdom of adopting the
>>> “tidyverse” principles throughout the R package ecosystem, and I share
>> the
>>> concern that an over-reliance on any single paradigm could reduce the
>>> resilience and diversity of the system as a whole.
>>> That said, I believe that the enthusiastic adoption of the `sf` package
>> and
>>> the package's connections with widely-used tidyverse packages like
>> `dplyr`
>>> and `ggplot2` may result in increased demand for sf-friendly spatial
>>> analysis tools. As an amateur who recently started using R as my primary
>>> GIS tool, it seems like the tidyverse's preference for dataframes, S3
>>> objects, list columns, and pipeline workflows would be well-suited to the
>>> field of spatial analysis. Are there some fundamental reasons why the
>>> `spdep` tools cannot (or should not) be adapted to the tidyverse
>> "dialect"?
>>> Let me put the question in the context of an actual analysis: in February
>>> 2017, the pop culture infovis website The Pudding (https://pudding.cool/
>> )
>>> published an analysis of regional preferences for Oscar-nominated films
>> in
>>> the US (https://pudding.cool/2017/02/oscars_so_mapped/). A few days ago,
>>> the author posted a tutorial explaining the method of “regional
>> smoothing”
>>> used to create the article’s choropleths (
>>> https://pudding.cool/process/regional_smoothing/).
>>> The method relies on several `spdep` functions (
>> https://github.com/polygraph-cool/smoothing_tutorial/blob/master/smoothing_tutorial.R
>> ).
>>> In the code below, I provide reprex with a smaller dataset included in
>> the
>>> `sf` package:
>>> library(sf)
>>> library(spdep)
>>> nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))  # North
>>> Carolina counties
>>> nc_shp <- as(nc,'Spatial')
>>> coords <- coordinates(nc_shp)
>>> IDs<-row.names(as(nc_shp, "data.frame"))
>>> knn5 <- knn2nb(knearneigh(coords, k = 5), row.names = IDs)  # find the
>>> nearest neighbors for each county
>>> knn5 <- include.self(knn5)
>>> localGvalues <- localG(x = as.numeric(nc_shp at data$NWBIR74), listw =
>>> nb2listw(knn5, style = "B"), zero.policy = TRUE) # calculate the G scores
>>> localGvalues <- round(localGvalues,3)
>>> nc_shp at data$LOCAL_G <- as.numeric(localGvalues)
>>> p1 <- spplot(nc_shp, c('NWBIR74'))
>>> p2 <- spplot(nc_shp, c('LOCAL_G'))
>>> plot(p1, split=c(1,1,2,2), more=TRUE)
>>> plot(p2, split=c(1,2,2,2), more=TRUE)
>>> Here’s what I imagine that would look like in a tidyverse pipeline
>> (please
>>> note that this code is for illustrative purposes and will not run):
>>> library(tidyverse)
>>> library(purrr)
>>> library(sf)
>>> library(sfdep) # this package doesn't exist (yet)
>>> nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
>>> nc_g <-
>>>  nc %>%
>>>  mutate(KNN = map(.x = geometry, ~ sfdep::st_knn(.x, k = 5, include.self
>> =
>>> TRUE)),  # find the nearest neighbors for each county
>>>         NB_LIST = map(.x = KNN, ~ sfdep::st_nb_list(.x, style = 'B')),  #
>>> make a list of the neighbors using the binary method
>>>         LOCAL_G = sfdep::st_localG(x = NWBIR74, listw = NB_LIST,
>>> zero.policy = TRUE),  # calculate the G scores
>>>         LOCAL_G = round(LOCAL_G,3))
>>> We can see that the (hypothetical) tidyverse version reduces the amount
>> of
>>> intermediate objects and wraps the creation of the G scores into a single
>>> code chunk with clear steps.
>>> I'd be grateful to hear from the users and developers of the `spdep` and
>>> `sf` packages about this topic!
>>> Tiernan Martin
>>>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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>> --
>> Roger Bivand
>> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
>> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
>> voice: +47 55 95 93 55 <+47%2055%2095%2093%2055>; e-mail:
>> Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>> Editor-in-Chief of The R Journal, https://journal.r-project.org/index.html
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Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Editor-in-Chief of The R Journal, https://journal.r-project.org/index.html

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