[R-sig-Geo] Fill raster with information if it intersects with a Polygon for ASCii File

Miriam Püts miriam.puets at thuenen.de
Fri May 12 10:21:03 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

I am fairly new at working with raster in R. I have combed through the threats about raster and shape files, but I could find completely what I was looking for. 

May I start with the task at hand:

I want to create a raster with geographic choordinates (done with raster function). 
Next I would like to fill this raster with the information, if each cell is intersecting with a shape file (Polygon) or not. 
Next I need to write an ASCii file with the choords, and 1 or 0 for intersecting or not. 

The reason why I am doing this is because I am working with Ecospace and I would like to include marine protected areas not by drawing but by reading an ASCii file. 

I hope I made clear what I am going for.

Thanks for information!

<°)))>< >°)))>< >°)))>< >°)))><

Miriam Püts
Marine Lebende Ressourcen/ Marine Living Resources
Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei/ Thünen Institute of Sea fisheries
Palmaille 9
22767 Hamburg (Germany)

Tel:  +49 40 38905-105 
Mail: miriam.puets at thuenen.de

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