[R-sig-Geo] KrigeST function giving errors

Ankur Sarker ankur.sum13 at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 01:22:11 CEST 2017


If I applies a variogram model into KrigeST fucntion, I get the error as follow:
> DE_kriged <- krigeST(count~1, data=stfdf, newdata=stf,modelList=sumMetricVgm)
Error in chol.default(A) :   the leading minor of order 16 is not positive definiteIn addition: Warning message:In krigeST(count ~ 1, data = stfdf, newdata = stf, modelList = sumMetricVgm) :  The spatio-temporal variogram model does not carry a time unit attribute: krisgeST cannot check whether the temporal distance metrics coincide.

I have tried applying different variogram models and different points.

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