[R-sig-Geo] GEOSTAT Summer School for PhD students | 13-19 August 2017 | MEDILS Split

Tomislav Hengl tom.hengl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 09:58:32 CET 2017

The GEOSTAT Split 2017 Summer School will be held this year at the 
Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MEDILS) Split, Croatia in the 
period 13-19 August 2017. MEDILS is an international centre of 
excellence for molecular biology and is located in a nature park in a 
near proximity of the historic town Split. It has in-house accommodation 
and numerous facilities including its own park and sport facilities.

The registrations are now open. To register for this Summer School 
please visit:


This summer school is limited to 55 participants. In the case of higher 
number of registrations, applicants will be ranked based on (1) their 
contribution to the FOSS, (2) academic output, (3) distance to the venue 
and (4) time of registration. The registrations fees are usually around 
550 EUR (invoice will be sent after registrations). Registration fees 
cover costs of using facilities, lunch and coffee breaks and costs of 
travel and accommodation for lecturers. Participants from ODA countries 
(employed by an organization or company in ODA-listed country) typically 
receive a subsidized price for the accommodation and registration costs. 
GEOSTAT makes no profit. All lecturers are volunteers. None of the 
lecturers receives any honorarium payment or is contracted by the local 

This years topics include:
- Application of R+OSGeo tools in: spatio-temporal monitoring, 
geostatistical mapping, point pattern analysis, epidemiology...
- Machine Learning methods for spatial and spatio-temporal data,
- QGIS and RQGIS tutorials,
- RMarkdown/Sweave tutorials,
- Visualization of spatio-temporal data,

- Barry Rowlingson (Lancaster Medical School, Lancaster University),
- Virgilio Gomez Rubio (Deparment of Mathematics, Universidad de 
Castilla-La Mancha),
- Jannes Muenchow (Department of GIScience, University of Jena),
- Daniel Nüst (Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster)
- Tomislav Hengl (ISRIC - World Soil Information),

Registration deadline is:

- April 15th 2017

hope to see you in Split,

T. Hengl

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