[R-sig-Geo] Suggestions for irregular grid netCDF data?

Michael Sumner mdsumner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 05:43:00 CET 2017

Hi there,

my general advice is

* use raster to read the data layers (including the coordinates, which in
this context are just data)
* treat each layer "index space", i.e. setExtent(r, extent(0, nrow(x), 0,
ncol(x)) (or possibly transpose for some NetCDF files)
* use raster's cell-index logic to do extractions and aggregations in that
index space, it's neat because cropping inherits the parent georeference so
it's "global"
* use resampling to put real-world data objects into that index space for
extractions (you have to worry about the resolution and the boundary to do

I have a few R packages that do this for ROMS and CMIP5 that can be
generally applied, but there not in great shape atm.

This rough document shows some of what you can do, it was written for a
particular purpose I had exploring leaflet which is on the backburner for
now, so it doesn't really go anywhere.


I'm happy to help you get what you need though, we deal with scads of this
kind of data and it doesn't fit any good mould except the "code it
yourself" club. It's not a huge amount of code but the "many coordinate
systems" can be bewildering and it's really specifically bound to the
intricacies of raster and sp and rgdal and ncdf4.

I'll try to look at your examples sometime soon.

Cheers, Mike.

On Thu, 2 Mar 2017 at 14:53 Michael Treglia <mtreglia at gmail.com> wrote:

> ​Hi all,
> I've been trying to work with a somewhat complex netCDF dataset, and wanted
> to see if anybody has suggestions.
> The data are for marine variables in the form of a remote netCDF served
> through OPENDAP. One of the complexities is that it comes in an irregular
> grid, as fine as 25m and as coarse as 400m (coarser as you move further
> from the coast) - this variable spacing makes it tough to work with in the
> raster package, which seems like it would be the easiet.  Is there a
> straightforward, relatively simple way to work with a dataset like this,
> getting entire layers at a time? The data have a slew of different
> variables, some of which also have time steps and different depth horizons.
> So far, I’ve been able to connect to the data using the ncdf4 package in R,
> and load simple, 3 dimensional data (e.g., depth). I can also force layers
> to load using the raster package, adding the argument
> ‘stopIfNotEqualSpaced=FALSE', though that obviously has issues with the
> irregular grid (though if it worked, would make it easier to pull
> information by date and depth horizons). I'm having a tough time getting
> data via the ncdf4 package for specific dates/depth horizons though. [note:
> I end up having to use R in a linux environment for this, as I understand
> the windows implementation for is more limited, and throws an ‘Unknown file
> format’ error.]
> The data are here:
> http://colossus.dl.stevens-tech.edu/thredds/dodsC/LISS/Hindcast/all_nb_mon_81.nc
> ,
> and here’s the web-interface for the data:
> http://colossus.dl.stevens-tech.edu/thredds/dodsC/LISS/Hindcast/all_nb_mon_81.nc.html
> .
> I've included some sample R code below - and am totally open to alternative
> ways that might be better for working with these data [still new-ish to
> netCDFs, and have mainly dealt with much simpler, soil or climate
> datasets].
> Thanks!
> Mike
> Sample R Code:
> #Load and work w/ data in ncdf4
> library(ncdf4)
> nyhops.nc <- nc_open("
> http://colossus.dl.stevens-tech.edu/thredds/dodsC/LISS/Hindcast/all_nb_mon_81.nc
> ")
> #Get Point Data with Depth Measurements
> depth.nc <- ncvar_get(nyhops.nc, 'depth')
> lat.nc <- ncvar_get(nyhops.nc, 'lat')
> long.nc <- ncvar_get(nyhops.nc, 'lon')
> depth.df <- data.frame(lat=as.vector(lat.nc), long=as.vector(long.nc),
> depth=as.vector(depth.nc)) #Can then be exported, or converted to spatial
> object
> #Trying to get the entirety of a single time point and depth horizon, but
> not quite getting the start/count args - this gets a single data point it
> seems
> temp.nc <- ncvar_get(nyhops.nc, 'temp', start=c(10,10,1,1),
> count=c(1,1,1,1))
> #Load layers w/ raster package.
> library(raster)
> nyhops.url <- "
> http://colossus.dl.stevens-tech.edu/thredds/dodsC/LISS/Hindcast/all_nb_mon_81.nc
> "
> depth <- raster(nyhops.url, varname="depth", lvar=1, level=1,
> stopIfNotEqualSpaced=FALSE) #Forcing it to read layer despite unequal
> spacing of coords
> plot(depth) #Plot looks distorted, as expected given irregular grid
> spacing. [I realize the data aren't projected at this point]
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Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia

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