[R-sig-Geo] Problem in extracting data from GRIB files

Miluji Sb milujisb at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 12:13:39 CEST 2017

Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your suggestion, apologies for the delayed reply -
I did not have access to internet over the weekend.

Here is the print-out for rdata:

class       : RasterStack
dimensions  : 150, 360, 54000, 8  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
extent      : -180, 180, -60, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +a=6367470 +b=6367470 +no_defs
names       : GLDAS_NOA//215507.020, GLDAS_NOA//215507.020,
GLDAS_NOA//215507.020, GLDAS_NOA//215507.020, GLDAS_NOA//215507.020,
GLDAS_NOA//215517.020, GLDAS_NOA//215517.020, GLDAS_NOA//215517.020

I also made this change [rdata <-  raster::stack(lapply(filelist,
function(x) raster(x,band=12)))] but still getting NAs. The full (ugly)
code is below

I would be grateful for any help. Thank you again!



for (y in year) {
  setwd (y)

  day <- dir(path=getwd(),full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE,pattern =
"^[0-9]" )


  for(d in day) {
    setwd (d)



    rdata <-  raster::stack(lapply(filelist, function(x) raster(x,band=12)))

    DF_data_dams_size<- as.data.frame(data_dams_size)

    #Join ISO3, lon, lat, dams data, climate data
    joined_dams <- cbind(foo_dams, DF_data_dams_size)

    #Keep only ISO3  LON  LAT  id
    joined_dams_reduced <- joined_dams
    dams_codes <- joined_dams[,c(1:3)]

    names(joined_dams_reduced) <- gsub("GLDAS_NOAH10_3H.A", "",
    names(joined_dams_reduced) <- gsub(".020", "",

    #From mm/s to mm_day
    joined_dams_reduced[joined_dams_reduced==9999] <- NA

    ##for prec, snow and runoff use:

    ##for temperature use:


    yr_name <- substr(filelist,18,21)
    csvname <- paste(paste(yr_name, sep="_"), ".csv", sep="")
    csvname <- csvname[1]

    #Stack days to get full year
    if (n==1) {joined_mm_day_year <- joined_mm_day} else
{joined_mm_day_year <- cbind(joined_mm_day_year, joined_mm_day)}


  #Join mm_day with dams codes

  newnames <-t(as.data.frame(c(paste ("day",
seq(1,(ncol(joined_mm_day_year_names)-3),1), sep="_"))))



On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 12:36 AM, Michael Sumner <mdsumner at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 at 02:21 Miluji Sb <milujisb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a set of coordinates for cities:
>> structure(list(lon = c(3.7174243, 3.2246995, 2.928656, 33.3822764,
>> 10.40237, 24.7535746, 7.2619532, -0.370679, -4.486076, -4.097899
>> ), lat = c(51.0543422, 51.209348, 51.21543, 35.1855659, 55.403756,
>> 59.4369608, 43.7101728, 49.182863, 48.390394, 47.997542)), .Names =
>> c("lon",
>> "lat"), na.action = structure(c(5L, 6L, 31L, 55L, 59L, 61L, 67L,
>> 68L), .Names = c("5", "6", "31", "55", "59", "61", "67", "68"
>> ), class = "omit"), row.names = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 7L, 8L, 9L,
>> 10L, 11L, 12L), class = "data.frame")
>> I am trying to extract climatic data from GLDAS climatic data (1 degree x
>> 1
>> degree) GRIB files with the following code:
>> # Convert to spatial points
>> pts_dams <- SpatialPoints(lonlat,proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
>> # Extract
>>  filelist<-list.files(pattern=".grb$")
> This part is a bit wrong:
>>     data<-stack(filelist[1])
>>     data at layers<-sapply(filelist, function(x) raster(x,band=12))
> Better would be
> rdata <-  raster::stack(lapply(filelist, function(x) raster(x,band=12)))
> For the rest we will need to see details about the data, so please do
> print(rdata)
> and send the resulting print-out.
>  A minor thing "data" is already a function, so it's advisable not to use
> it as a name - if  only to reduce possible confusion.
> Also, it's not obvious that the process by which raster(file) goes though
> (it passes down to rgdal::readGDAL) will result in a correct interpretation
> as the data source was intended, since GRIB is a domain-specific format for
> time-series and volume-slice series data and the required translation to
> the GDAL and raster data models is not always straight-forward.
> It totally can work though, I do it routine with many sources but they all
> need some oversight to ensure that upfront translation is complete and
> appropriate.
> It may just require setting raster::extent and/or raster::projection, but
> there's no way to know without exploration.
> Cheers, Mike.
>>     data_dams_size<-extract(data,pts_dams)
>>     DF_data_dams_size<- as.data.frame(data_dams_size)
>> Unfortunately, I get mostly NAs for the data, it seems that there's an
>> issue with the CRS projections for the city coordinates. Is there a
>> specific projection for city level coordinates? Or am I doing something
>> completely wrong? Thank you!
>> Sincerely,
>> Milu
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> --
> Dr. Michael Sumner
> Software and Database Engineer
> Australian Antarctic Division
> 203 Channel Highway
> Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia

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