[R-sig-Geo] bivariate spatial correlation in R

Rafael Pereira rafa.pereira.br at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 16:42:00 CEST 2017

Hi all,

I would like to ask whether some you conducted bi-variate spatial
correlation in R.

I know the bi-variate Moran's I is not implemented in the spdep library. I
left a question on SO but also wanted to hear if anyone if the mainlist
have come across this.

I also know Roger Bivand has implemented the L index proposed by Lee (2001)
in spdep, but I'm not I'm not sure whether the L local correlation
coefficients can be interpreted the same way as the local Moran's I
coefficients. I couldn't find any reference commenting on this issue. I
would very much appreciate your thoughts this.


Rafael HM Pereira

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