[R-sig-Geo] jitter within polygon

obrlsoilau at gmail.com obrlsoilau at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 07:02:52 CET 2017

Maybe try this sampler - https://gist.github.com/obrl-soil/839b192da46978351733483421db22f8 

You’d want to run it multiple times and cycle through the outputs, if I’m interpreting your request correctly.


From: Paul Lantos
Sent: Saturday, 28 January 2017 3:30 PM
To: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
Subject: [R-sig-Geo] jitter within polygon

I am trying to figure out how to randomly jitter points within an overlying polygon structure.

I can easily jitter the points themselves, but I would like this to be constrained by the boundaries of polygons containing the points.

This isn't for visualization - I can do that easily enough in GIS. I actually need to generate coordinates.


Paul M. Lantos, MD, MS GIS, FIDSA, FAAP, FACP                       Contact
Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics                           919-684-6355 (Pediatric Infectious Diseases)
    Pediatric Infectious Diseases                                                                919-681-8263 (Hospital Medicine)
    General Internal Medicine                                                                    paul.lantos at duke.edu
Duke University School of Medicine                                                     @PaulLantos
Duke Global Health Institute

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