[R-sig-Geo] Efficient way to process a time series of MODIS image

Zhang Tianyi zhang_t_y at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 19 09:35:06 CET 2017

Dear all,

I am working with MODIS data (MOD09A1) with R. I now have a rasterstack data with each layer for each MODIS image.

I found I need to extract time series for each cell to do a set of regular manuplation. I have some possible solutions:

(1) change the values of rasterstack to data.table and row-wisely process this data.table variable by apply()

(2) work on rasterstack itself, and do vectorized programming

I think the second one will be better, but I am not sure because the method 1 is using data.table.

I am wondering what is the most efficient way to do that when you are processing remote sensing data with R?

Thank you very much

Tianyi Zhang

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