[R-sig-Geo] Moran Index n ape and spdep package

Stefano Menichetti s.menichetti at arpat.toscana.it
Tue Jan 17 09:22:11 CET 2017

Good morning at all, I'm new on R and also I'm not so practical with 
spatial analysis by Moran index. So, I've some practice in kriging to 
interpolate adn before to judge by variogram effective spatial 
autocorrelation of my actual data resolution.
Recently I've discover Moran index that give me, it seems, a sound 
statistical judgment about effective autocorrelation and perhaps spatial 

I've used "ape" package to perform a Moran evaluation by simple weight  
by inverse distance
View(myData) (X, Y, Z attribute of pollutant concentration)
myData.dists <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(myData$X,myData$Y)))
myData.dists.inv <- 1/myData.dists
diag(myData.dists.inv) <- 0

Forgive my difficulties but I can not play a similar syntax with 
"spdep". Example are not clear for me.

Can you show me an example ?

Thank you very much in advance


Dott. Geol. Stefano Menichetti
ARPAT - Agenzia per la Protezione dell'Ambiente della Toscana
Settore Tecnico SIRA - Sistema Informativo Regionale Ambientale via Nicola Porpora 22 - 50144 Firenze
tel. 0553206333 cell. 3383550147 fax 0553206410
s.menichetti at arpat.toscana.it http:\\www.arpat.toscana.it http:\\sira.arpat.toscana.it

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