[R-sig-Geo] Origin and Destination-specific doubly constrained model

Ticiana Grecco Zanon ticianaz at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 22 18:03:46 CET 2017

Hello everybody,

I would like to share a difficulty I have that it can be very easy for somebody in this forum.

I have calculated a distance parameter for the whole system in a doubly constrained model :

Model01 <- glm(Flow~Origin+Destination+log(Dij), family=poisson(link="log"),data=Base)

Now I would  like to do it, now origin-specific in the sense of Fotheringham (1981, 1983 and so one), that is, for each origin, a distance decay paramater with the purpose to see the spatial structure of the flows.

I suppose it is as bellow meanwhhile I am not sure.

Model02 <- glm(Flow~Origin+Destination+factor(Origin)xlog(Dij), family=poisson(link="log"),data=Base)

Thanks in advance,


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