[R-sig-Geo] Change dataframe values using log and if condition

Daniel Furlan Amaral dfamaral at usp.br
Fri Dec 29 20:51:32 CET 2017

Dear all,

I need to calculate log or log1p for all values (rows) in specific
columns of a data.frame with 5500 rows and 23 columns.

When i > 0, apply log, and when i == 0, apply log1p. So I thought I
should use a for loop with a ifelse condition, log and log1p

I have already tried many possibilities, but none solved. This is
something I tried, but the data.frame's values didn't change:

tcPainelLog <- tcPainel; cols <- names(tcPainelLog[6:17])

for (j in cols) {
    for (i in 1:length(j)) {
        ifelse(tcPainelLog[[i]] > 0, log(i), log1p(i))

I would appreciate any help.

Thank you.


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