[R-sig-Geo] Problem with localG in spdep

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Aug 4 08:22:21 CEST 2017

Please provide a reproducible example, either with built-in data or downloadable data, and code, adding your sessionInfo() output. Otherwize all else is guesswork. The function reproduces the examples from Getis & Ord, so it's your data or weights. Just because your data don't yield the answer you want, concluding that the function is broken is unwarranted.

Roger Bivand
Norwegian School of Economics
Bergen, Norway

Fra: Victor Kuperman via R-sig-Geo
Sendt: torsdag 3. august, 23.26
Emne: [R-sig-Geo] Problem with localG in spdep
Til: r-sig-geo at r-project.org

Dear all, I am new to using R for analyzing geographic data, so any input would be appreciated. My goal is to obtain the G* (local G) Getis-Ord statistic to a metric that is calculated for every US state and Canadian province (except islands, i.e. Hawaii and Prince Edward Island). The metric is standardized and its value range is [-2, 2]. Using spdep, I created a neighbors list from the US + Canada polygon data, and then generated a binary weight matrix. state_nb

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