[R-sig-Geo] variance-covariance matrix for GMerrorsar

Qiuhua Ma qiuhuanihao at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 07:26:28 CEST 2017

Is this the link to the package?



On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 10:59 PM, Qiuhua Ma <qiuhuanihao at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your quick reply. You are right. Marginal wtp should take into
> account rho for spatial lag model.
> I still would like to use GMerrorsar. Can you please send me the source
> package?
> Best,
> Chelsea
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 7:54 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Apr 2017, Qiuhua Ma wrote:
>> Dear list,
>>> I want to use bootstrapping to derive confidence intervals for marginal
>>> wtp after GMerrorsar command.
>>> It works for stsls since covariance matrix is directly available.
>>> However,
>>> I cannot find covariance matrix for GMerrorsar.
>>> For example, the following code works for stsls:
>>> model1.beta <- coef(model1)
>>> model1.vcov <- summary(model1)$var
>>> model1.sim <- rmultnorm(10000, mu = model1.beta, vmat = model1.vcov)
>>> model1.mwtp <- model1.sim * Pbar
>>> model1.ci <- apply(model1.mwtp, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
>> The DGP for this model is (I - \rho W)^{-1} (X \beta + e), so I'm in geat
>> doubt about whether your proposal is correct (model1.vcov is has one more
>> row and column than X has columns, so including \rho); the first element of
>> model1.beta is \rho.
>>> when I apply the same code for GMerrorsar:
>>> model2.beta <- coef(model2)
>>> model2.vcov <- summary(model2)$var
>>> model2.vcov
>>> NULL
>>> How can I obtain covariance matrix for GMerrorsar?
>>> Reading the code, you'll see where the matrices occur. Running under
>> debug, you can assign the outside the environment of the function if you
>> like (use <<- ). I've added a vcov component in the returned object (source
>> on R-Forge, I can send a source package or a Windows binary package).
>> You should also look at sphet::spreg, which does return a var component.
>> Please note that you should think of the DGP first and foremost, the coef
>> and var may return the values for what you are treating as nuisance parts
>> of the model. Getting the distribution of the willingess to pay also
>> probably involves them and their variability.
>> Have you considered getting the WTP marginal from a Bayesian approach?
>> Hope this helps,
>> Roger
>>> Chelsea
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>> Roger Bivand
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