[R-sig-Geo] GEOSTAT Summer School for PhD students | 13-19 August 2017 | MEDILS Split

Tomislav Hengl tom.hengl at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 15:08:53 CEST 2017

MEMO: This is to remind you that the registrations for GEOSTAT Summer 
School 13-19 August 2017 | MEDILS Split, will close on:

- 15th of April 2017

To register for GEOSTAT visit:


PS: Current number of registrations: 44 (this summer school is limited 
to 55 participants).

T. Hengl

On 06/03/17 19:58, Tomislav Hengl wrote:
> The GEOSTAT Split 2017 Summer School will be held this year at the 
> Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MEDILS) Split, Croatia in 
> the period 13-19 August 2017. MEDILS is an international centre of 
> excellence for molecular biology and is located in a nature park in a 
> near proximity of the historic town Split. It has in-house 
> accommodation and numerous facilities including its own park and sport 
> facilities.
> The registrations are now open. To register for this Summer School 
> please visit:
> https://geostat-course.org/2017
> This summer school is limited to 55 participants. In the case of 
> higher number of registrations, applicants will be ranked based on (1) 
> their contribution to the FOSS, (2) academic output, (3) distance to 
> the venue and (4) time of registration. The registrations fees are 
> usually around 550 EUR (invoice will be sent after registrations). 
> Registration fees cover costs of using facilities, lunch and coffee 
> breaks and costs of travel and accommodation for lecturers. 
> Participants from ODA countries (employed by an organization or 
> company in ODA-listed country) typically receive a subsidized price 
> for the accommodation and registration costs. GEOSTAT makes no profit. 
> All lecturers are volunteers. None of the lecturers receives any 
> honorarium payment or is contracted by the local organizers.
> This years topics include:
> - Application of R+OSGeo tools in: spatio-temporal monitoring, 
> geostatistical mapping, point pattern analysis, epidemiology...
> - Machine Learning methods for spatial and spatio-temporal data,
> - QGIS and RQGIS tutorials,
> - RMarkdown/Sweave tutorials,
> - Visualization of spatio-temporal data,
> Lecturers:
> - Barry Rowlingson (Lancaster Medical School, Lancaster University),
> - Virgilio Gomez Rubio (Deparment of Mathematics, Universidad de 
> Castilla-La Mancha),
> - Jannes Muenchow (Department of GIScience, University of Jena),
> - Daniel Nüst (Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster)
> - Tomislav Hengl (ISRIC - World Soil Information),
> Registration deadline is:
> - April 15th 2017
> hope to see you in Split,
> T. Hengl
> http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Persons/dr.-T-Tom-Hengl.htm

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