[R-sig-Geo] Using Stargazer to output spautolm models in Latex
Samar Deen
sa462 at cornell.edu
Sun Nov 27 22:47:39 CET 2016
Hi Roger,
Thank you. I used the command,
c(c(res$Coef[,1:2]), unname(res$lambda), res$lambda.se, res$fit$s2, res$LL)
and was able to generate the table using xtable.
On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 4:36 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
> The spdep sarlm stargazer support was seriously broken when introduced,
> and the package author was only interested in advertising the package, and
> unresponsive with regard to necessary fixes.
> Writing functions to extract what is needed from the summary objects could
> be done, but is hard to do right. For example, a sarlm object fitted using
> lagsarlm or sacsarlm should never have its covariate coefficients
> displayed, only the three-column impacts from the impacts() method (the
> coefficients are not equal to of a unit increment on a covariate in these
> cases unless \rho_{Lag} = 0 as they would be where the spatial process is
> uncorrelated with the covariates).
> By the way (checking now), the R code in stargazer is (still) in two
> files, and is very difficult to read (badly constructed, one file is 6500
> lines long). For spdep fitted objects, it does not use their declared
> class, and continues to ignore the need to report the spatial coefficients.
> Of course, impacts are ignored. As previously reported, stargazer should
> never be used with spdep objects, it is seriously misleading.
> It is possible that pander will work better, but it doesn't do model
> comparison tables out of the box as far as I can see - you'd need to take
> the relevant parts from the summary object for your fitted model. This
> however is something that can be done readily, as can be done for xtable. I
> usually create a formatted character matrix and output through xtable if I
> need a model comparison table. Look at:
> example(NY_data)
> esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
> data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen")
> res <- summary(esar1f)
> str(res)
> to see what is where, and at the code in spdep:::print.summary.spautolm to
> see how its print method extracts the relevant pieces.
> For example:
> c(c(res$Coef[,1:2]), unname(res$lambda), res$lambda.se, res$fit$s2,
> res$LL)
> gives you four interleaved coefficients and their standard errors,
> \rho_{Err} and its standard error, the model sigma^2 and the model log
> likelihood. The issue in table construction is then slotting the right
> (column) vector elements into the right table rows, because covariates may
> be omitted in some models. Row and column names also need care (a trick for
> the coefficient standard errors is to use increasing numbers of spaces).
> Using a character matrix lets you vary the formatting by row (different
> numbers of digits for model sigma^2 and log likelihood).
> The stargazer package tried to be clever and make things easy, which might
> be OK if it did things right, but it doesn't (for spdep objects and by
> extension for others its author doesn't understand), so it should be
> avoided. I tried to get its author to fix it, but because of the way the
> code is written (one large operative file), suggesting patches without
> seeing the workflow clearly remains impossible.
> So, work from the summary objects of your fitted models and build a matrix
> for, for example, pander or xtable.
> Hope this clarifies,
> Roger
> On Fri, 25 Nov 2016, Melanie Bacou wrote:
> You could also check into the `pander` package (documented at
>> http://rapporter.github.io/pander/#helper-functions).>
>> AFAIK there's no helper function to output SAR/CAR or GWR objects
>> directly, but you might be able to work with `pander.lm`.
>> Else maybe submit a request on GitHub
>> https://github.com/Rapporter/pander/issues.
>> --Mel.
>> On 11/25/2016 04:17 PM, Samar Deen wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I am running some CAR regressions using spautolm. I wanted to generate
>>> some
>>> summary tables of the regressions using stargazer to output in Latex.
>>> While stargazer supports some spdep classes, unfortunately, stargazer
>>> does
>>> not support spautolm. Has anyone tried to output CAR model regression
>>> results in Latex? Please do let me know if you have come across a
>>> supporting package.
>>> One alternative will be to convert the spautolm class to a supported
>>> class in stargazer. But I haven't had much luck.
>>> Any tips will be most helpful.
>>> Thank you.
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> --
> Roger Bivand
> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 91 00
> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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Samar Deen
Summer Research Fellow, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future
PhD Candidate, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University
M.P.A. Cornell University, 2011
Phone: +1 607 793 4200
Skype ID: samarnasiruddeen
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