[R-sig-Geo] rgrass7 : Error in parseGRASS
michael.delorme at agriculture.gouv.fr
Thu Nov 24 10:40:13 CET 2016
That's great Chris, it works fine as is !
Thank you, I don't have to keep another GRASS install aside then.
I'm sure it will be helpful to other people also.
Thanks again
Le 24/11/2016 09:17, Chris Reudenbach a écrit :
> Michael,
> Using a fresh OSGEO4W64 standard quick desktop installation (i.e.
> installation of the default desktop GIS software packages with the
> installer and using C:\OSGeo4W64 as path) I suggest the below solution.
> You have to set all necessary eniromental and system variables
> manually. I am not quit sure if I got them but actually it seems to
> work for your question. As a conclusion I think your Python and all of
> the rest is installed correct.
> cheers Chris
> ############### librarys, data etc
> ---------------------------------------------
> library(rgrass7)
> library(sp)
> # setup a temp workingdir
> working.dir<- "~/tmp/"
> # get meuse data
> data(meuse)
> data(meuse.grid)
> # georeference the meuse grid data
> coordinates(meuse.grid) <- ~x+y
> proj4string(meuse.grid) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
> gridded(meuse.grid) <- TRUE
> # get a first cellsize/pixel resolution for GRASS
> resolution <- meuse.grid at grid@cellsize[1]
> # georeference the meuse data
> coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
> proj4string(meuse) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
> # get projection, proj4 string and extent for GRASS
> projection<-(strsplit(meuse at proj4string@projargs,split = " "))
> proj4<- paste(projection[[1]][2:length(unlist(projection))], collapse
> = ' ')
> xmax<-meuse at bbox[3]
> xmin<-meuse at bbox[1]
> ymax<-meuse at bbox[4]
> ymin<-meuse at bbox[2]
> # create and set working directory
> if (!file.exists(file.path(working.dir,"run"))){
> dir.create(file.path(working.dir,"run"),recursive = TRUE)
> }
> setwd(file.path( working.dir,"run"))
> ########### SETUP OSGEO4W enviroment settings manually
> -------------------------
> # setup the OSGEO4W environ manually
> # assuming a osgeow4w default "deskop fastinstall
> # using the default installation directory "C:\OSGeo4W64"
> # set OSGE4W base directory
> osgeo4w.root<-"C:\\OSGEO4~1"
> Sys.setenv(OSGEO4W_ROOT=osgeo4w.root)
> # define GISBASE
> grass.gis.base<-paste0(osgeo4w.root,"\\apps\\grass\\grass-7.0.5")
> Sys.setenv(GISBASE=grass.gis.base)
> Sys.setenv(GRASS_PYTHON=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\bin\\python.exe"))
> Sys.setenv(PYTHONHOME=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\apps\\Python27"))
> Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\apps\\grass\\grass-7.0.5\\etc\\python"))
> Sys.setenv(GRASS_PROJSHARE=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\proj"))
> Sys.setenv(PROJ_LIB=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\proj"))
> Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\gdal"))
> Sys.setenv(GEOTIFF_CSV=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\epsg_csv"))
> Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE=paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\etc\\fonts.conf"))
> # call all OSGEO4W settings
> system("C:/OSGeo4W64/bin/o-help.bat")
> # create PATH variable
> Sys.setenv(PATH=paste0(grass.gis.base,";",
> "C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core",";",
> "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\grass\\grass-7.0.5\\bin",";",
> "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\grass\\grass-7.0.5\\lib",";",
> "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\grass\\grass-7.0.5\\etc",";",
> "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\grass\\grass-7.0.5\\etc\\python",";",
> "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\Python27\\Scripts",";",
> "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\bin",";",
> "c:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps",";",
> "C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\saga",";",
> paste0(Sys.getenv("WINDIR"),"/WBem"),";",
> Sys.getenv("PATH")))
> #################### start with GRASS setup
> ------------------------------------
> rgrass7::initGRASS(gisBase=grass.gis.base,
> home=tempdir(),
> mapset='PERMANENT',
> override=TRUE
> )
> # assign GRASS projection according to data set
> rgrass7::execGRASS('g.proj',
> flags=c('c','quiet'),
> proj4=proj4
> )
> # assign GRASS extent and resolution
> rgrass7::execGRASS('g.region',
> flags=c('quiet'),
> n=as.character(ymax),
> s=as.character(ymin),
> e=as.character(xmax),
> w=as.character(xmin),
> res=as.character(resolution)
> )
> ############# now do GRASS STUFF
> ---------------------------------------------
> rgrass7::writeVECT(meuse,"meuse")
> rgrass7::execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map = "meuse", columns = "area_m2
> double
> precision")
> ############# do other command line stuff
> -------------------------------------
> ## call gdal
> system("gdal_merge")
> # call saga cli
> system("saga_cmd")
> Am 23.11.2016 um 07:38 schrieb Michael DELORME:
>> Thanks for your insight.
>> I'll use a stand-alone GRASS install.
>> Cordially
>> Le 22/11/2016 15:13, Roger Bivand a écrit :
>>> On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, Michael DELORME wrote:
>>>> Thanks for investigating.
>>>> I'll try a standalone version of GRASS if needed.
>>>> Here is the traceback
>>>>> traceback()
>>>> 4: stop(paste(cmd, "not parsed"))
>>>> 3: parseGRASS(cmd, legacyExec = legacyExec)
>>>> 2: doGRASS(cmd, flags = flags, ..., parameters = parameters, echoCmd =
>>>> echoCmd, legacyExec = legacyExec)
>>>> 1: execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map = "meuse", columns = "area_m2
>>>> double
>>>> precision")
>>>> My C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\grass\grass-7.0.5\bin lists *.exe or *.bat and
>>>> indeed the *.bat command are those which don't work (r.mask.bat,
>>>> v.db.addcolumn.bat,...). The batch calls Python scripts ; for example
>>>> v.db.addcolumn.bat is :
>>>> @"%GRASS_PYTHON%" "%GISBASE%/scripts/v.db.addcolumn.py" %*
>>>> So I guess something must be wrong in my Python installation... (it
>>>> works however from within a GRASS shell)
>>> No, the logic for Windows and initGRASS has only ever been tested with
>>> stand-alone GRASS. I would guess that in OSGeo4W the path variables
>>> are wrong. I cannot even find out how to run initGRASS in R but
>>> outside the OSGeo4W shell (doesn't find iconv.dll) or inside the
>>> OSGeo4W shell (cannot create a temporary GRASS location). Unless you
>>> or others really need OSGeo4W, I suggest asking others to implement
>>> that - very bulky and fragile.
>>> Roger
>>>> Cordially
>>>> Le 22/11/2016 14:30, Roger Bivand a écrit :
>>>>> On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, Michael DELORME wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for replying
>>>>>> Here is a reproducible example (change your GRASS directory of
>>>>>> course) :
>>>>>> library(rgrass7)
>>>>>> library(sp)
>>>>>> initGRASS("C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/grass/grass-7.0.5", home = tempdir(),
>>>>>> override = TRUE)
>>>>>> data(meuse)
>>>>>> coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
>>>>>> writeVECT(meuse, "meuse")
>>>>>> execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map = "meuse", columns = "area_m2 double
>>>>>> precision")
>>>>> This appears to run correctly on Windows 7 with GRASS 7.0.5 Windows
>>>>> stand-alone. Do you need to use OSGeo4W - the internal logic used for
>>>>> finding out where the different versions keep their executables and
>>>>> batch files varies?
>>>>> What does traceback() say after the error? The error comes from
>>>>> parseGRASS("v.db.addcolumn") - the XML error comes from not being
>>>>> able
>>>>> to read the output of v.db.addcolumn<.ext> --interface-description
>>>>> where <.ext> may be .exe or .bat I think.
>>>>> Roger
>>>>>> I get :
>>>>>> Error : XML content does not seem to be XML: 'The specified path
>>>>>> was not
>>>>>> found.'
>>>>>> In addition: Warning message:
>>>>>> running command 'v.db.addcolumn.bat --interface-description' had
>>>>>> status 1
>>>>>> Error in parseGRASS(cmd, legacyExec = legacyExec) :
>>>>>> v.db.addcolumn not parsed
>>>>>> Other execGRASS commands (like r.neighbors, r.mapcalc,..) work
>>>>>> fine,
>>>>>> but some other (r.mask) fail with a similar XML error.
>>>>>> All commands work fine when used from the GRASS shell...
>>>>>> What is this XML error ?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Le 22/11/2016 09:34, Roger Bivand a écrit :
>>>>>>> On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, Michael DELORME wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>>>>> Using rgrass7 on Windows7 with GRASS 7.0.5 (OSGeo distribution),
>>>>>>>> I get
>>>>>>>> the following error :
>>>>>>> Please always try to provide a reproducible example using a
>>>>>>> standard
>>>>>>> data set. In addition, the output of traceback() following the
>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>> would be helpful. Are you running R inside GRASS, or using R to
>>>>>>> initiate GRASS?
>>>>>>> Consider using the grass-stats list:
>>>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-stats
>>>>>>> as it is more likely to yield results, but there also provide an
>>>>>>> example that anyone can reproduce. The example should avoid loading
>>>>>>> other packages, and should be run from the R console (not, say,
>>>>>>> RStudio).
>>>>>>> Roger
>>>>>>>>> execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map = "result_v", columns = "area_m2
>>>>>>>>> double precision")
>>>>>>>> Error : XML content does not seem to be XML: 'Le chemin d'accés
>>>>>>>> spécifié est introuvable.' In addition: Warning message: running
>>>>>>>> command 'v.db.addcolumn.bat --interface-description' had status 1
>>>>>>>> Error in parseGRASS(cmd, legacyExec = legacyExec) :
>>>>>>>> v.db.addcolumn not parsed
>>>>>>>> and a similar one for r.mask :
>>>>>>>>> execGRASS("r.mask", raster = "map")
>>>>>>>> Error : XML content does not seem to be XML: 'Le chemin d'accés
>>>>>>>> spécifié est introuvable.'
>>>>>>>> In addition: Warning message:
>>>>>>>> running command 'r.mask.bat --interface-description' had status 1
>>>>>>>> Error in parseGRASS(cmd, legacyExec = legacyExec) : r.mask not
>>>>>>>> parsed
>>>>>>>> whereas most other execGRASS command I tried work as expected.
>>>>>>>> Any idea ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>>>>> Here is my session info :
>>>>>>>>> sessionInfo()
>>>>>>>> R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
>>>>>>>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>>>>>>> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>>>>>>>> locale:
>>>>>>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=French_France.1252 LC_CTYPE=French_France.1252
>>>>>>>> LC_MONETARY=French_France.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5]
>>>>>>>> LC_TIME=French_France.1252
>>>>>>>> attached base packages:
>>>>>>>> [1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
>>>>>>>> methods base
>>>>>>>> other attached packages: [1] rgrass7_0.1-9 XML_3.98-1.4 beepr_1.2
>>>>>>>> raster_2.5-8 sp_1.2-3 RPostgreSQL_0.4-1 DBI_0.5-1
>>>>>>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] magrittr_1.5
>>>>>>>> tools_3.3.1 audio_0.1-5 Rcpp_0.12.7 stringi_1.1.2 grid_3.3.1
>>>>>>>> stringr_1.1.0 lattice_0.20-34 [9] fortunes_1.5-3
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Michaël DELORME*
>>>>>> Administrateur de données, chargé de projet en géomatique
>>>>>> Service régional de l'information statistique, économique et
>>>>>> territoriale
>>>>>> Direction régionale de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et de la
>>>>>> forêt
>>>>>> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
>>>>>> Site de Lyon
>>>>>> 165 rue Garibaldi – BP 3202 – 69401 LYON cedex 03
>>>>>> 04 78 63 34 21
>>>>>> Pour écrire au service :
>>>>>> DRAAF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – SRISET
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*Michaël DELORME*
Administrateur de données, chargé de projet en géomatique
Service régional de l'information statistique, économique et territoriale
Direction régionale de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et de la forêt
Site de Lyon
165 rue Garibaldi – BP 3202 – 69401 LYON cedex 03
04 78 63 34 21
Pour écrire au service :
DRAAF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – SRISET
16B rue Aimé Rudel – BP 45 – 63370 LEMPDES
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