[R-sig-Geo] GLOBE DEM in R?

Hollister, Jeff Hollister.Jeff at epa.gov
Thu Nov 10 14:59:48 CET 2016


I have been working on a package for accessing elevation data, elevatr.  It is not yet on CRAN, but you can get the current version at https://github.com/jhollist/elevatr.  

For points it is currently using the USGS EPQS and Mapzen's Elevation Service.  The Mapzen elevation service does have global coverage and pulls from a variety of sources.  For higher latitudes it is using GMTED.

You'll probably run into service limits.  I'm hoping to add some functionality that will conform to Mapzen's limits, but that hasn't been done yet...

Any questions or comments about the package, let me know.



Message: 2
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2016 22:07:35 +0000
From: Andy Bunn <Andy.Bunn at wwu.edu>
To: R-sig-Geo <r-sig-geo at r-project.org>
Subject: [R-sig-Geo] GLOBE DEM in R?
Message-ID: <D448DE23.5EA20%andy.bunn at wwu.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Is the GLOBE DEM accessible in R via a package? I usually use raster::getData() when I need elev data but I need to sample a SPDF of a few thousand points with latitudes higher than the SRTM covers. Thoughts appreciated.


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