[R-sig-Geo] look for advice on handling 3D/4D trajectories in R

Mathieu Basille basille.web at ase-research.org
Sun Nov 6 15:09:50 CET 2016

Also very timely, Edzer Pebesma released his 'sf' package on CRAN just a
couple of hours before your request. sf implements the Simple Features
standard, which is precisely the one PostGIS relies on, and do propose 3D
(XYZ) or 4D (XYZM) geometries in R.

It seems to me that the use of these features is still widely open in the
sense that applications are not common yet... so it may or may not answer
your needs, but should very much match PostGIS capabilities.

You may want to look at Edzer's announcement:


(check notably the vignette)


Le 04/11/2016 à 17:47, Michael Treglia a écrit :
> Hi Paedro,
> Might want to look into the mkde package (
> https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/mkde/index.html) - it's designed to
> use 3d tracking data to estimate movement in 3 dimensions.
> Hope that helps,
> Mike
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Pedro C. Alvarez <pedroc at eio.uva.es> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am interested in handling 3D (lat, long, altitude) or even 4D (3D+time)
>> aircraft trajectories in R. I am new to GIS (although not to R), then, I
>> have
>> been searching through r-project, R-sig-geo, the web ... and I've found and
>> concluded that sp classes and some avalaible packages like trip,
>> trajectories,
>> ... do not cover the kind of methods and operations that are avalaible for
>> 2D
>> trajectories through sp or rgeos (for example, intersections, distance,
>> gArea,
>> gBuffer, ...).
>> My question is: I am right with the above conclusion?
>> I have seen too that PostGIS has methods to deal with 3D (XYZ) or 4D (XYZM)
>> records. Is it the only (opensource) option?
>> Any advice to start using the appropiate tools will be welcome!
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Pedro.
>> --
>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>         Pedro César Alvarez Esteban
>>         Dpto. de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
>>         Facultad de Ciencias
>>         Universidad de Valladolid
>>         Paseo de Belén, 7
>>         47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>         Tfo: +34 983 423930
>>         Fax: +34 983 423013
>>         E-mail: pedroc at eio.uva.es
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Mathieu Basille

basille at ufl.edu | http://ase-research.org/basille
+1 954-577-6314 | University of Florida FLREC

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