[R-sig-Geo] apply() proj4string to list of rasters

john polo jpolo at mail.usf.edu
Tue Nov 1 19:50:51 CET 2016

On 11/1/2016 1:39 PM, Roger Bivand wrote:
> My guess is that the underlying problem was the use of lapply() rather 
> than a for() loop, and not reading the help page for assigning:
The function that worked for me is:

filenames <- list.files(pattern="ht.laz.bil")   #Extract list of file 
names from working directory
library(raster) #Calls 'raster' library
#Function 'f1' imports data listed in 'filenames' and assigns projection
f1<-function(x,z) {
         y <- raster(x)
         projection(y) <- CRS(z)

It uses your suggestion and also deals with my problem of trying to 
refer to the raster objects, not the names of the objects.


Men occasionally stumble
over the truth, but most of them
pick themselves up and hurry off
as if nothing had happened.
-- Winston Churchill

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