[R-sig-Geo] Overlay between polygons and their intersecting lines
Gwennaël Bataille
gwennael.bataille at uclouvain.be
Wed May 25 15:53:47 CEST 2016
Dear all,
I can't find a solution for the following problem:
When I first intersect a line with 2 polygons (splitting it into 2
segments) and then use an overlay to get for each segment the attribute
of the overlapping polygon, I sometimes get too answers (i.e. a small
point overlapping one polygon, the rest of the segment overlapping another).
The functions I use for this are:
and sp::over
Do you have any idea how I could get the attribute of the polygon the
segments are "mostly overlapping"?
Below is a reproductible example.
Thank you very much in advance for any hint on this.
Best regards,
Reproductible example:
matrix1 <- cbind(x= c(250300, 250451, 250494, 250300),
y= c(104030, 104030, 103733, 103733))
matrix2 <- cbind(x= c(250451, 250666, 250666, 250494),
y= c(104030, 104030, 103733, 103733))
P1 <- Polygon (matrix1)
P2 <- Polygon (matrix2)
Ps1 <- Polygons (list(P1), 1 )
Ps2 <- Polygons (list(P2), 2 )
Poly <- SpatialPolygons (list (Ps1, Ps2), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat
data <- data.frame( Attribute = c("1black", "2red") )
PolyD <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Poly , data = data )
plot(PolyD, col = PolyD$Attribute)
matrix3 <- cbind(x= c(250300, 250666),
y= c(103900, 103900))
L <- Line(matrix3)
Ls <- Lines(list(L), "1")
Line <- SpatialLines( list(Ls), proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat
+datum=WGS84") )
Inter <- rgeos::gIntersection(Line,PolyD, byid=T)
lines( Inter[1], col = "green", lwd = 3 )
lines( Inter[2], col = "blue", lwd = 3 )
over(Inter[1], PolyD, byid=T)
# The green (1st) segment intersects with the black (1st) polygon => good
over(Inter[2], PolyD, byid=T)
# The blue(2nd) segment intersects with the red(2nd) polygon => NOT GOOD !
over(Inter[1], PolyD, byid=T, returnList = TRUE) # OK
over(Inter[2], PolyD, byid=T, returnList = TRUE)
# The blue(2nd) segment appears to intersect the two polygons (I guess
one point in common with the first polygon; the rest of the segment
overlapping the other polygon)
Gwennaël BATAILLE, PhD student - Teaching assistant
Earth and Life Institute
Université Catholique de Louvain
Bâtiment Carnoy, c.145
Croix du sud 4-5, bte L7.07.04
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
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