[R-sig-Geo] RGRASS7 and Initgrass

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Wed May 4 20:27:50 CEST 2016

On Wed, 4 May 2016, PONS Frederic - CEREMA/DTerMed/DREC/SRILH wrote:

> Dear all
> I am working on windows 7.
> I have update my version of GRASS GIS 7.0.4 and R-3.2.5.
> I try to work with my old tools and I meet a problem with function 
> InitGrass. i just want to share this problem and if possible understand 
> if the problem depend on my installation of grass and r or release of 
> InitGrass.

You have not said which version of rgrass7 you are using.

I'm afraid this is very unclear. You are almost certainly using a very 
suboptimal approach. Have you thought of starting GRASS properly once, 
and doing whatever your function does in new mapsets? Or are the locations 

Please move this to the grass-stats list.

After an error, do run traceback(). And establish first that initGRASS() 
works run in the R session itself rather than in a function (I doubt that 
this is easy to debug).


PS: Please note that the link to github is *not* the source, it is an 
unauthorised copy, and as maintainer I refuse to consider any references 
to it. The released source is on CRAN, and the development trunk may be 
browsed on R-Forge. Just "thinking" is no use, if you run under debug(), 
give the line number of specific issues.

> Before I can use:
> loc=initGRASS(gisBase =
> Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,home=Chemin_des_donnees_Grass,gisDbase=Chemin_des_donnees_Grass,location=Localisation,mapset=Jeu_de_donnees,override=T)
> I have this problem:
> Error in if (class(t0) != "try-error" && is.character(t0) && nchar(t0) > 
> :  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
> I thonk it is in this osurce code:
> https://github.com/cran/rgrass7/blob/master/R/xml1.R
> I solve the problem uisng a false folder
> loc=initGRASS(gisBase = 
> Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,home=Chemin_des_donnees_Grass,gisDbase=Chemin_des_donnees_Grass,addon_base=Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,location=Localisation,mapset=Jeu_de_donnees,override=T)
> Best regards
> File: C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.5\Cerema
> #Chemin de l'exe de Grass
> C:\GRASS GIS 7.0.4
> #Monde Grass temporaire (1=oui, 0=non)
> 0
> #Chemin des donnees Grass
> #Localisation
> Cerema
> #Jeu de donnees
> test
> #Projection (EPSG)
> 2154
> #Chemin des routines R
> C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-32~1.5/cerema
> Code:
> #  DICARTO_00_LectureMondeGrass
> #  Version 2.0 06/10/2015
> #  Cerema
> #  Frederic Pons, Celine Trmal
> DICARTO_00_LectureMondeGrass = function(chem_routine,Numero_de_calcul)
> {
>  # Lecture de l'initialisation et création du monde Grass
> fichier_init=paste(chem_routine,"\\Init_Routine_Cerema",as.character(Numero_de_calcul),".txt",sep="")
>   fid=file(fichier_init, open = "r")
>   lignes <- readLines(fid)
>   close(fid)
>   Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass=as.character(lignes[2])
>   Chemin_des_donnees_Grass=as.character(lignes[6])
>   Localisation=as.character(lignes[8])
>   Jeu_de_donnees=as.character(lignes[10])
>   Projection=as.numeric(lignes[12])
>   Monde_grass_temp=as.numeric(lignes[4])
>   if (Monde_grass_temp==0) {
>    loc=initGRASS(gisBase = 
> Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,home=Chemin_des_donnees_Grass,gisDbase=Chemin_des_donnees_Grass,addon_base=Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,location=Localisation,mapset=Jeu_de_donnees,override=T)
>    ## convert default coordinate system x,y to epsg code 3347 (can be 
> altered later)
> #execGRASS("g.mapset",flags=c("c"),parameters=list(mapset="PERMANENT"))
>    #execGRASS("g.proj",flags=c("c"),epsg=as.integer(Projection))
> #execGRASS("g.mapset",flags=c("c"),parameters=list(mapset=Jeu_de_donnees))
>   } else {
>     loc=initGRASS(Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass, 
> home=tempdir(),addon_base=Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,override=T)
>   }
> return(cbind(Chemin_de_l_exe_de_Grass,loc$GISDBASE,loc$LOCATION,loc$MAPSET,Projection))
> }
> *Frédéric Pons *
> *Expert hydraulique sur les inondations et aléas côtiers
> **DREC/Service Risques Inondations Littoraux et Hydraulique **- Tél.: (33)4 
> 42 24 76 68 *
> *Direction Territoriale Méditerranée
> *
> Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité 
> et l’aménagement
> www.cerema.fr <http://www.cerema.fr>

Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 91 00
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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