[R-sig-Geo] RQGIS - integrating R with QGIS

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Sun Jun 19 23:35:43 CEST 2016


 did you consider using the rPython package? Its easy enough to import
qgis functionality, there's less overhead since you aren't spawning a
new python/qgis session for every command, you can save state between
python calls, and you hand-off the platform dependency to that


On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 8:18 AM, "Jannes Münchow" <malNamalJa at gmx.de> wrote:
> Dear R-GIS users,
> I would like to draw your attention to a new package integrating R with QGIS. QGIS is probably the most widely used open-source Desktop GIS. Apart from its native functions QGIS provides access to the geoalgorithms of various third-party providers (among others SAGA and GRASS). In total this gives the user access to more than 1000 geoalgorithms. RQGIS brings this incredible powerful geoprocessing environment to the R console. We would like to publish RQGIS on CRAN within the next six weeks. Until then we would appreciate any user feedback. On github (https://github.com/jannes-m/RQGIS) you'll find a short tour how to use and install the developer version of RQGIS and in this post (https://jannesm.wordpress.com/2016/06/03/integrating-r-with-qgis/) I briefly describe the most notable features of RQGIS. I am looking forward to hearing from first user experiences!
> Best regards,
> Jannes
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