[R-sig-Geo] Translate a net-cdf file with different years to polygon regions.
Michael Sumner
mdsumner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 16:51:46 CEST 2016
On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 23:32 Janka VANSCHOENWINKEL <
janka.vanschoenwinkel at uhasselt.be> wrote:
> Dear Michael, Joseph and other colleagues,
> About a month and a half ago, I asked the question below (I summarized it
> shorter in this email). I received some hints on how to do it in R, but
> given the fact that I am not that experienced with netcdf files in R, I
> didn't manage to make it work. I continued to work with ArcGis, but even
> there it is not working.
> So I am giving it one more try here: could somebody help me with the
> problem below?
> Download from this website (
> http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units/nuts)
> the following ZIP file: NUTS_2006_60M_SH.zip and save all
> theNUTS_RG_60M_2006 files. In what follows I refer to this as "NUTS3
> regions".
> Download from this website (
> https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_3.23/cruts.1506241137.v3.23/pet/)
> the following nc-file: cru_ts3.23.1991.2000.pet.dat.nc.gz This is a raster
> with data all over the world.
> The netcdf file has data on one variable (pet) for multiple months per
> year (from 1991 to 2000). For each month, I would like to translate all
> these values into averages per nuts3 region.
> I can open the file in R and make a cvs file from it (see code in the
> original email below), but I do not manage to overlap each monthly value
> with the nuts3 regions.
> Results can be stored in a table by month and by nuts3, or in a shapefile.
> Either way is fine!
> Does somebody have any experience with this? Any concrete help is highly
> appreciated! I have really no experience with netcdf files. I only have
> trouble with them.. ;-)
You are not alone, NetCDF is a very general format and that generality gets
a lot of exercise. This one is pretty easy as far as I can see, the nc
file seems to conform to a basic gridded raster in longitude-latitude, no
Lots more stuff you can try, but this should get you over the first
hurdle. Please pay close attention to how "high-level" most of this is, you
really will benefit from learning how to drive raster and sp without
getting to untidy in the trenches. Raster and sp were not designed and
built together, and have wildly different assumptions and working
philosophies but for the most part they play well together - it just means
you have to learn another two languages (at least) to use them well. Please
read the doc for each function and explore what the options do, there are
gotchas at every step and I've only done the most naive things here.
Finally, this is a pretty big data set - the polygons are quite detailed
and that makes plotting fairly tedious - so use subsetting to hone in on an
area of interest, etc. D Explore these tools with simpler data before
applying your main work to them.
Make sure to upgrade to R 3.3.0 and get the latest raster package from some
time last week. There were some important bug fixes released.
## boring stuff to get the data, skip if you have "nutsdsn" and "nutslayer"
and "ncfile"
nuts <- "
download.file(nuts, basename(nuts), mode = "wb")
nutsfile <- basename(nuts)
#nutslayer <- "NUTS_BN_60M_2006" ## boundaries
#nutslayer <- "NUTS_JOIN_LI_2006"
#nutslayer <- "NUTS_LB_2006" ## points
rf <- "
download.file(rf, basename(rf), mode = "wb")
rfile <- basename(rf)
system(sprintf("gunzip %s", rfile))
## we have the files
nutsdsn <- "NUTS_2006_60M_SH/shape/data"
nutslayer <- "NUTS_RG_60M_2006" ## bingo, polygons
ncfile <- "cru_ts3.23.1991.2000.pet.dat.nc"
library(rgdal) ## to read shapefile
admin <- readOGR(nutsdsn, nutslayer)
## looks fine
plot(raster(ncfile)) ## this gets the first layer (or "band")
plot(admin, add = TRUE)
# class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
# features : 1927
# extent : -61.80605, 55.83498, -21.37656, 71.15701 (xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax)
# coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs
# variables : 7
# names : OBJECTID, NUTS_ID, STAT_LEVL_, AREA, LEN, Shape_Leng,
# min values : 1, AT, 0, 0, 0, 0.1351160,
# max values : 1927, UKN05, 3, 0, 0, 312.0817173,
## get every layer (without actually loading necessarily)
(cru_ts3 <- brick(ncfile))
# class : RasterBrick
# dimensions : 360, 720, 259200, 120 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
# resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y)
# extent : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# data source : ...cru_ts3.23.1991.2000.pet.dat.nc
# names : X1991.01.16, X1991.02.15, X1991.03.16, X1991.04.16,
X1991.05.16, X1991.06.16, X1991.07.16, X1991.08.16, X1991.09.16,
X1991.10.16, X1991.11.16, X1991.12.16, X1992.01.16, X1992.02.15,
X1992.03.16, ...
# Date : 1991-01-16, 2000-12-16 (min, max)
# varname : pet
## extract everything, collapse to mean values
## note that this will automatically transform to the raster
## and warn, you should explore what this does (the plot above does not for
ex <- extract(cru_ts3, admin, fun = mean)
## [1] 1927 120
## tidy up
d <- as.data.frame(ex)
row.names(d) <- row.names(admin)
pet <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(geometry(admin), d)
## try some plots, slow
spplot(pet[, c(1, 10)])
> 2016-04-29 15:03 GMT+02:00 Janka VANSCHOENWINKEL <
> janka.vanschoenwinkel at uhasselt.be>:
>> Thanks Mike,
>> I am running your suggestion but it always get stuck. I also don't know
>> how I have to indicate which variable I want to have given the fact that
>> there is only one variable, but it is measured for different time periods.
>> So for instance, how to I tell R that I want to have "pet from april in
>> 1995"?
>> In mean time, I want to make clear that there are multiple points of the
>> same period per nuts3-polygon. So when I was speaking about the average, I
>> meant the average of all those points from the same periods, that are
>> located in the same polygon. So I do want to have information per period.
>> Thanks,
>> Janka
>> 2016-04-29 14:42 GMT+02:00 Michael Sumner <mdsumner at gmail.com>:
>>> On Fri, 29 Apr 2016 at 22:23 Janka VANSCHOENWINKEL <
>>> janka.vanschoenwinkel at uhasselt.be> wrote:
>>>> Hi Joseph,
>>>> Thank you very much for the hint.
>>>> If I may ask you, could you please help me a little bit further. I am
>>>> not
>>>> familiar with these packages and I do not see how to overlap the point
>>>> data
>>>> or the netcdf data with the nuts3 polygons.
>>>> Basically, I have too options:
>>>> 1) use the cvs-points (with lon, lat, and the data variable) to see
>>>> which
>>>> points are located in which nuts3 regions and then save these results.
>>>> (but
>>>> then my previous codes still applies)
>>>> 2) use the original netcdf file and overlay it with the nuts3 polygon
>>>> shapefile (this was your hint, but I don't know how to start with this).
>>> Something like this will do it:
>>> library(raster)
>>> require(rgdal)
>>> require(ncdf4)
>>> st <- stack("thencfile.nc") ## might need varname = "sst" or similar
>>> poly <- shapefile("theshpfile.shp")
>>> extract(st, poly, fun = "mean") ## and maybe na.rm = TRUE
>>> If you don't want the mean, you can just leave out the fun argument and
>>> you'll get all the pixel values for every time step in a big list, which
>>> may not be obviously helpful but it's all useable with generic R.
>>> I can't quite bring myself to get your files and try it, so please try
>>> and report details.
>>> Cheers, Mike.
>>>> Thank you very much for your answer!
>>>> 2016-04-19 14:42 GMT+02:00 Stachelek, Joseph <jstachel at sfwmd.gov>:
>>>> > Since your nc file contains multiple layers, you will want to use
>>>> > `raster::stack()` rather than `raster::raster()`.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>> > From: Stachelek, Joseph
>>>> > Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:23 AM
>>>> > To: 'Janka VANSCHOENWINKEL' <janka.vanschoenwinkel at uhasselt.be>;
>>>> > r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>>>> > Subject: RE: [R-sig-Geo] Translate a net-cdf file with different
>>>> years to
>>>> > polygon regions.
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi Janka,
>>>> >
>>>> > I think you can simplify your code a lot by opening your nc file
>>>> directly
>>>> > using the `raster` package rather than messing with `nc_open` calls.
>>>> >
>>>> > ```
>>>> > ncin <- raster::raster(paste(ncname, ".nc", sep = ""))
>>>> > ```
>>>> >
>>>> > Then you might use `raster::extract()` to pull the values associated
>>>> with
>>>> > your polygons. Also, I would recommend posting a link to a gist (
>>>> > https://gist.github.com/) rather than pasting such a long script into
>>>> > your email.
>>>> >
>>>> > Joe
>>>> >
>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>> > From: R-sig-Geo [mailto:r-sig-geo-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of
>>>> > Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 4:45 AM
>>>> > To: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>>>> > Subject: [R-sig-Geo] Translate a net-cdf file with different years to
>>>> > polygon regions.
>>>> >
>>>> > *DATA*
>>>> >
>>>> > I have a net-cdf file which has raster of 0.5 on 0.5 degrees. You can
>>>> > easily download it here
>>>> > <
>>>> >
>>>> https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_3.23/cruts.1506241137.v3.23/pet/
>>>> > >
>>>> > and
>>>> > search for *cru_ts3.23.2001.2010.pet.dat.nc.gz *(it is also
>>>> downloadable as
>>>> > a dat.file if this is more handy to work with)
>>>> > (Or simply download the net-cdf file directly through:
>>>> > cru_ts3.23.2001.2010.pet.dat.nc.gz
>>>> > <
>>>> >
>>>> https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_3.23/cruts.1506241137.v3.23/pet/cru_ts3.23.2001.2010.pet.dat.nc.gz
>>>> > >
>>>> > ).
>>>> >
>>>> > I opened the file in ArcMap as well and found that the coordinate
>>>> system
>>>> > used is: GCS_WGS_1984. The net-cdf file contains monthly data from
>>>> > 2001-2010
>>>> >
>>>> > Download from this website
>>>> > <
>>>> >
>>>> http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units/nuts
>>>> > >
>>>> > the
>>>> > following ZIP file: *NUTS_2006_60M_SH.zip* and save all the
>>>> > *NUTS_RG_60M_2006
>>>> > files *in a folder where you can easily find the back. In what
>>>> follows I
>>>> > refer to this as "NUTS3".
>>>> >
>>>> > *WHAT I WANT*
>>>> >
>>>> > - I want to add the information from the raster files to the NUTS3
>>>> > shapefile (which are polygons and no rasters) in order to obtain a
>>>> table
>>>> > per nuts3 region for each monthtly variable.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > The file appears to be very difficult to work with in ArcGis. Also, I
>>>> will
>>>> > have to repeat this process a number of times for different
>>>> variables. So I
>>>> > would like to have one code in R that I can run.
>>>> >
>>>> > I have a number of separate codes to do the following:
>>>> > - translate the net-cdf file to a cvs file with longitude and
>>>> latitude as
>>>> > identifiers (see below under 1)
>>>> > - translate a cvs file with accompanying empty raster file to nuts3
>>>> > regions. (this is a code that I have used before when I had a cvs
>>>> file and
>>>> > a raster). (see below under 2).
>>>> >
>>>> > However, I don't have a raster file now. Well, technically I do
>>>> (since the
>>>> > net-ncf file is a raster) but I don't know how to use it in this
>>>> format.
>>>> >
>>>> > Can somebody help me to link the codes below or suggest a different
>>>> code to
>>>> > obtain what I want?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks a lot!
>>>> >
>>>> > Janka
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > *1) With the following code, I can make a cvs file and extract all
>>>> the data
>>>> > in table format.*
>>>> >
>>>> > library(fields)
>>>> > library(chron)
>>>> >
>>>> > library(ncdf4)
>>>> > ncname<-"cru_ts3.22.2001.2010.pet.dat"
>>>> > ncname<-"cru_ts3.23.1991.2000.pet.dat"
>>>> > ncfname <- paste(ncname, ".nc", sep = "")
>>>> > dname <- "pet"
>>>> > ncin <- nc_open(ncfname)
>>>> > print(ncin)
>>>> >
>>>> > lon <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lon")
>>>> > nlon <- dim(lon)
>>>> > head(lon)
>>>> >
>>>> > lat <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lat", verbose = F)
>>>> > nlat <- dim(lat)
>>>> > head(lat)
>>>> >
>>>> > print(c(nlon, nlat))
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > t <- ncvar_get(ncin, "time")
>>>> > tunits <- ncatt_get(ncin, "time", "units")
>>>> > nt <- dim(t)
>>>> >
>>>> > tmp.array <- ncvar_get(ncin, dname)
>>>> > dlname <- ncatt_get(ncin, dname, "long_name")
>>>> > dunits <- ncatt_get(ncin, dname, "units")
>>>> > fillvalue <- ncatt_get(ncin, dname, "_FillValue")
>>>> > dim(tmp.array)
>>>> >
>>>> > title <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "title")
>>>> > institution <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "institution")
>>>> > datasource <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "source")
>>>> > references <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "references")
>>>> > history <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "history")
>>>> > Conventions <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "Conventions")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > nc_close(ncin)
>>>> >
>>>> > # split the time units string into fields
>>>> > tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
>>>> > tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
>>>> > tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
>>>> > tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
>>>> > tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
>>>> > chron(t, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear))
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > tmp.array[tmp.array == fillvalue$value] <- NA
>>>> >
>>>> > length(na.omit(as.vector(tmp.array[, , 1])))
>>>> >
>>>> > m <- 1
>>>> > tmp.slice <- tmp.array[, , m]
>>>> > library(RColorBrewer)
>>>> > image(lon, lat, tmp.slice, col = rev(brewer.pal(10, "RdBu")))
>>>> >
>>>> > grid <- expand.grid(lon = lon, lat = lat)
>>>> > cutpts <- c(-50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
>>>> > levelplot(tmp.slice ~ lon * lat, data = grid, at = cutpts, cuts = 11,
>>>> > pretty = T,
>>>> > col.regions = (rev(brewer.pal(10, "RdBu"))))
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > lonlat <- expand.grid(lon, lat)
>>>> > tmp.vec <- as.vector(tmp.slice)
>>>> > length(tmp.vec)
>>>> >
>>>> > tmp.df01 <- data.frame(cbind(lonlat, tmp.vec))
>>>> > names(tmp.df01) <- c("lon", "lat", paste(dname, as.character(m), sep =
>>>> > "_"))
>>>> > head(na.omit(tmp.df01), 20)
>>>> >
>>>> > csvfile <- "cru_tmp_1.csv"
>>>> > write.table(na.omit(tmp.df01), csvfile, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > tmp.vec.long <- as.vector(tmp.array)
>>>> > length(tmp.vec.long)
>>>> >
>>>> > tmp.mat <- matrix(tmp.vec.long, nrow = nlon * nlat, ncol = nt)
>>>> > dim(tmp.mat)
>>>> >
>>>> > head(na.omit(tmp.mat))
>>>> >
>>>> > lonlat <- expand.grid(lon, lat)
>>>> > tmp.df02 <- data.frame(cbind(lonlat, tmp.mat))
>>>> >
>>>> > names(tmp.df02) <- c("lon","lat","pet_jan_2001",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2001",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2001",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2001",
>>>> > "pet_may_2001",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2001",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2001",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2001",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2001",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2001",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2001",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2001",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2002",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2002",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2002",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2002",
>>>> > "pet_may_2002",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2002",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2002",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2002",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2002",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2002",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2002",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2002",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2003",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2003",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2003",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2003",
>>>> > "pet_may_2003",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2003",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2003",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2003",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2003",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2003",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2003",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2003",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2004",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2004",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2004",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2004",
>>>> > "pet_may_2004",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2004",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2004",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2004",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2004",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2004",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2004",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2004",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2005",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2005",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2005",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2005",
>>>> > "pet_may_2005",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2005",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2005",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2005",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2005",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2005",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2005",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2005",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2006",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2006",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2006",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2006",
>>>> > "pet_may_2006",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2006",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2006",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2006",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2006",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2006",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2006",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2006",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2007",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2007",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2007",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2007",
>>>> > "pet_may_2007",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2007",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2007",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2007",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2007",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2007",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2007",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2007",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2008",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2008",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2008",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2008",
>>>> > "pet_may_2008",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2008",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2008",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2008",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2008",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2008",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2008",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2008",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2009",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2009",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2009",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2009",
>>>> > "pet_may_2009",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2009",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2009",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2009",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2009",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2009",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2009",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2009",
>>>> > "pet_jan_2010",
>>>> > "pet_feb_2010",
>>>> > "pet_mar_2010",
>>>> > "pet_apr_2010",
>>>> > "pet_may_2010",
>>>> > "pet_jun_2010",
>>>> > "pet_jul_2010",
>>>> > "pet_aug_2010",
>>>> > "pet_sep_2010",
>>>> > "pet_oct_2010",
>>>> > "pet_nov_2010",
>>>> > "pet_dec_2010")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > options(width = 110)
>>>> > head(na.omit(tmp.df02, 20))
>>>> >
>>>> > dim(na.omit(tmp.df02))
>>>> >
>>>> > csvfile <- "cru_tmp_2.csv"
>>>> > write.table(na.omit(tmp.df02), csvfile, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > *2) translate a cvs-file with accompanying raster file to polygon
>>>> regions.*
>>>> >
>>>> > The "filename.txt" file should contain the variables: lon, latitude,
>>>> and
>>>> > all the monthly_yearly variables extracted from point 1 above.
>>>> >
>>>> > The grid shapefile (*grid_025dd.shp*) can be found through the
>>>> following
>>>> > link but it is only an example and not the correct grid for the
>>>> problem
>>>> > above :
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By9u5m3kxn9yfjZtdFZLcW82SWpzT1VwZXE1a3FtRGtSdEl1c1NvY205TGpack9xSFc2T2s&usp=sharing
>>>> >
>>>> > # upload data
>>>> > mydata<-read.table("filename.txt", header=TRUE,sep=",",dec=".")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > # upload empty raster
>>>> > library(rgdal)
>>>> > # 40 seconds
>>>> > grid <- readOGR(".", layer = "grid_025dd")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > # concatenate data in R
>>>> > # 2 seconds
>>>> > mydata$lonlat<-do.call(paste, c(mydata[c("lon", "lat")], sep=""))
>>>> > grid at data$lonlat<-do.call(paste, c(grid at data[c("LONGITUDE",
>>>> "LATITUDE")],
>>>> > sep=""))
>>>> >
>>>> > # use common variable lonlat to merge data in raster
>>>> >
>>>> > ###### prepare shapefile #####
>>>> > library(rgdal) ## Load geographic info
>>>> > library(maps) ## Projections
>>>> > library(maptools) ## Data management
>>>> > #library(sm) ## Data management
>>>> > library(spdep) ## Spatial autocorrelation
>>>> > library(gstat) ## Geostatistics
>>>> > library(splancs) ## Kernel Density
>>>> > library(spatstat) ## Geostatistics
>>>> > library(pgirmess) ## Spatial autocorrelation
>>>> > library(RColorBrewer) ## Visualization
>>>> > library(classInt) ## Class intervals
>>>> > library(spgwr) ## GWR
>>>> >
>>>> > # Match polygons with data
>>>> > idx <- match(grid$lonlat, mydata$lonlat)
>>>> > # Places without information
>>>> > idxNA <- which(is.na(idx))
>>>> > # Information to be added to the SpatialPolygons object
>>>> > dat2add <- mydata[idx, ]
>>>> > # spCbind uses row names to match polygons with data
>>>> > # First, extract polygon IDs
>>>> > IDs <- sapply(grid at polygons, function(x)x at ID)
>>>> > # and join with the SpatialPolygons
>>>> > row.names(dat2add) <- IDs
>>>> > datPols <- spCbind(grid, dat2add)
>>>> > # Drop those places without information
>>>> > datPols <- datPols[-idxNA, ]
>>>> > # write new shapefile
>>>> > # 7 seconds
>>>> > writeOGR(datPols, dsn = ".", layer ='sm2000eu28', driver = 'ESRI
>>>> > Shapefile')
>>>> > # read new shapefile
>>>> > # 51 seconds
>>>> > data <- readOGR(".", layer="sm2000eu28")
>>>> >
>>>> > ############################
>>>> > # intersect nuts with grid #
>>>> > ############################
>>>> >
>>>> > library(rgdal)
>>>> > nuts <- readOGR(".", layer = "NUTS_RG_60M_2006")
>>>> >
>>>> > library(rgeos)
>>>> > proj4string(data) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > #
>>>> > grid <- data
>>>> > grid at data$lonlat <- NULL
>>>> > grid at data$lonlat_1 <- NULL
>>>> > grid at data$ID <- NULL
>>>> > grid at data$lat <- NULL
>>>> > grid at data$lon <- NULL
>>>> > grid at data$ELEVATION <- NULL
>>>> > grid at data$DAYS_RAIN_ <- NULL
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > # First find out which grid cells intersect your NUTS polygons
>>>> > grid_nuts <- gIntersects(grid,nuts,byid = TRUE)
>>>> >
>>>> > # use the apply() function to calculate the mean, min, and max of your
>>>> > value.
>>>> > # The loop makes
>>>> >
>>>> > for(i in names(grid at data)){
>>>> > nuts at data[[paste(i, 'average_value', sep="_")]] <-
>>>> > apply(grid_nuts,1,function(x) mean(grid at data[[i]][x]))
>>>> > nuts at data[[paste(i, 'min_value', sep="_")]] <-
>>>> > apply(grid_nuts,1,function(x) min(grid at data[[i]][x]))
>>>> > nuts at data[[paste(i, 'max_value', sep="_")]] <-
>>>> > apply(grid_nuts,1,function(x) max(grid at data[[i]][x]))
>>>> > }
>>>> >
>>>> > write.table(nuts at data, "nuts_sm2000eu28_unweighted.txt", sep="\t")
>>>> >
>>>> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>>>> >
>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>> > R-sig-Geo mailing list
>>>> > R-sig-Geo at r-project.org
>>>> > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo
>>>> >
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>>>> > >.
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> [image: Logo UHasselt] Mevrouw Janka Vanschoenwinkel
>>>> *Doctoraatsbursaal - PhD *
>>>> Milieueconomie - Environmental economics
>>>> T +32(0)11 26 86 96 | GSM +32(0)476 28 21 40
>>>> www.uhasselt.be/eec
>>>> Universiteit Hasselt | Campus Diepenbeek
>>>> Agoralaan Gebouw D | B-3590 Diepenbeek
>>>> Kantoor F11
>>>> Postadres: Universiteit Hasselt | Martelarenlaan 42 | B-3500 Hasselt
>>>> [image: Music For Life] Maak van UHasselt de #warmsteunief |
>>>> www.uhasselt.be/musicforlife
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>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> R-sig-Geo mailing list
>>>> R-sig-Geo at r-project.org
>>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo
>>> --
>>> Dr. Michael Sumner
>>> Software and Database Engineer
>>> Australian Antarctic Division
>>> 203 Channel Highway
>>> Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia
>> --
>> [image: Logo UHasselt] Mevrouw Janka Vanschoenwinkel
>> *Doctoraatsbursaal - PhD *
>> Milieueconomie - Environmental economics
>> T +32(0)11 26 86 96 | GSM +32(0)476 28 21 40
>> www.uhasselt.be/eec
>> Universiteit Hasselt | Campus Diepenbeek
>> Agoralaan Gebouw D | B-3590 Diepenbeek
>> Kantoor F11
>> Postadres: Universiteit Hasselt | Martelarenlaan 42 | B-3500 Hasselt
>> [image: Music For Life] Maak van UHasselt de #warmsteunief |
>> www.uhasselt.be/musicforlife
>> P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
> --
> [image: Logo UHasselt] Mevrouw Janka Vanschoenwinkel
> *Doctoraatsbursaal - PhD *
> Milieueconomie - Environmental economics
> T +32(0)11 26 86 96 | GSM +32(0)476 28 21 40
> www.uhasselt.be/eec
> Universiteit Hasselt | Campus Diepenbeek
> Agoralaan Gebouw D | B-3590 Diepenbeek
> Kantoor F11
> Postadres: Universiteit Hasselt | Martelarenlaan 42 | B-3500 Hasselt
> [image: Music For Life] Maak van UHasselt de #warmsteunief |
> www.uhasselt.be/musicforlife
> P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
> --
Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia
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