[R-sig-Geo] How to backtransform the nugget, psill, range value obtained from ordinary kriging analysis of log-transformed dataset using gstat package?
uzzal at gist.ac.kr
Wed Jan 27 02:44:29 CET 2016
I have a dataframe contains hourly PM10 concentrations of 83 measurement sites. Please download from HERE. Using this dataset, I have fitted a model with experimental variogram by ordinary kriging. In exploratory analysis, I found the data was not in normal distribution by checking skewness, histogram and Q-Q plot so I log-transformed the data. I wrote the following code:
seoul032813 #exploratory analysisskewness(seoul032813$PM10)
skewness(log10(seoul032813$PM10))hist(seoul032813$PM10) hist(log10(seoul032813$PM10))
qqnorm(seoul030101$PM10,font.main = 1,cex.main = 0.9, main = "Normal Q-Q plot of seoul032813",cex.lab = 0.75);qqline(seoul030101$PM10)
qqnorm(log(seoul030101$PM10),font.main = 1,cex.main = 0.9, main = "Normal Q-Q plot of seoul032813",cex.lab = 0.75);qqline(log(seoul030101$PM10)) #Reprojection
coordinates(seoul032813) seoul032813 at coords <- <a href="mailto:seoul032813 at coords/1000" target="_blank">seoul032813 at coords/1000 #variogram modeling
seoul032813_var From this analysis I got the Range, psill and nugget values. These value are very small due to previous log-transformation of data. I want to get these parameter values in its original form. Also, I got a fitted variogram plot in the last line of my code where semivariance is in log form. I also want to get this plot in its original form. Simply, I want to back transform the variogram parameter values and fitted variogram plot. How can I do this? [Backgroud: Actually, I have many dataset of different hours. Some are in normal distribution and some are not. so, only the dataset which are not in normal distribution I log-transformed them. At last I want to compare Range, sill, nugget of every hour. So, for comparison I need to back transform the sill, range, nugget value obtained from log-transformed dataset] Orpheus
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